A simple game of solitaire!

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It all started with a simple game of cards......

Affogato had challenged dark cacao to a game of cards, loser has to do whatever the winner says for the rest of the night, dark cacao accepted, because he is really good at cards, but he lost, so now he has to do whatever affogato says....

"Ace in the hole! i win!" Affogato squealed in joy, affogato did a little happy dance, dark cacao sighed, great, now he has to do whatever affogato says, what's affogato gonna make him do!? "Now then~ since I won by a mile, you must do what i say!" dark cacao panicked a little, will he be his slave? or will he use his win to overthrow him!? or worse..... "Hmmmmm? what do i want for my reward? oh! i know!.....take the clothes off" dark cacao blushed at the suddenness of it, he refused "i said, take the clothes off, i won, we agreed to this, so you must take them off~" dark cacao sighed, taking off his kimono, and sitting down "i said clothes, not kimono" dark cacao began panicking a little, he took off his pants "All of them!" that's when dark cacao was kinda afraid, was affogato really about to do what he thought he was....? he slipped off all his clothes except his boxers "ALL, of them, not most of them" dark cacao hesitated "take them off~!" dark cacao refused to, he didn't want to, why was luck not on his side? "Take, them, off, i won, we both know what you've gotten yourself into~!" dark cacao finally slipped them off "that's what I like to see~! now come here~" dark cacao hesitantly scooted closer to affogato, the ganshin then pulled something from under the couch he was sitting on, a dog collar "i was saving this just in case i ever won these bets, now i can finally use it!" affogato clipped the collar on the king, and began petting his head, dark cacao felt like a fucking pet, and that's what affogato was treating him as, a fucking pet "During this entire thing, you will refer to me as 'master', refer to me as anything else, and you will be punished~!" dark cacao scoffed "no i wo-" he was met with a slap to the face "yes you will~!" the king sighed in anger "Fine, master" affogato squeaked with joy hearing a man with cacaos physique call him 'master' it thrilled him to no end "come on boy~ let's get to your bed!" dark cacao tried to stand up, but affogato gave him a glare "ah ah ah~ on all fours boy" dark cacaos eye twitched, but he did what he was told, and walked on all fours to his bed


Affogato pushed the door open, and dragged his lease over to the bed "on the bed boy!" dark cacao leaped on the bed, and laid on his back, head propped up by pillows, he was embarrassed out of his mind, naked, on a lease, and forced to walk on all fours, he hated this "good boy~! my puppy behaves so well!" puppy? puppy!? he was a cookie! not some puppy! but he was forced to sit there and take it, he hated, no, despised it, if only he won.... "now, prepare yourself dear~~!" affogato slicked up 3 of his fingers with saliva, and pressed one against dark cacaos entrance, earning a loud gasp and a quiet but audible moan from the taller man "already excited? aw~! my puppy's so cute!" affogato then suddenly slid one inside without warning, dark cacao let out a small breathy moan "y-you could've atleast warned me f-first...." affogato chuckled "yes, i could've, but seeing you moan in surprise is too much fun~!" affogato slowly thrusted his finger in and out, dark cacao managed to hold back his moans, that's when affogato slipped another finger in without warning, dark cacao yelped at the feeling of 2 fingers inside of him, stretching out his hole "y-you could atl-least given me t-time to a-adjust...." affogato sighed "alright, alright, I'll give you some time before i add the 3rd finger....~" affogato started speeding up with his thrusts, trying to get dark cacao to adjust faster, drool started to drip from the kings mouth, gripping the blankets underneath him, dark cacao actually...he just might....not hate, no, not despise this? he wasn't really sure about it, why didn't he hate this!? "You ready pup~?" dark cacao nodded lightly, still pissed about being called pup, affogato didn't add it, however "tsk tsk tsk, you know i don't accept nods or head shakes!" dark cacao sighed "please....im ready..." and affogato inserted the 3rd finger, dark cacao tightened his hole around his fingers, affogato thrusted even faster, dark cacao whimpered at the feeling of 3 whole fingers inside him, dark cacao could feel himself getting close already, it hasn't even been an hour, yet he felt so close, affogato could tell he was close, and sped up his thrusts, dark cacao was so close now, he wanted, no, needed to cum, he hadn't orgasmed in months, he was desperate, that's when affogato suddenly stopped thrusting "Affogato? w-why did you st-stop? p-please...." Affogato raised his hand high, and spanked the king (SPANK!) "master, not affogato, and if you wanna cum, you must bark for it, pup~~!" dark cacao was mortified, he didn't want to bark like a fucking dog, but he desperately wanted to cum "woof...." affogato heard him, but he wanted to embarrass him, even if they were alone "what? i couldn't hear you pup~!" dark cacao barked again "woof....woof...." Affogato heard him better the second time, but being a malicious little shit, he wanted him to bark louder "I'm sorry pup, but i couldn't hear you~! unless you don't want to cum, that's fine~" affogato slowly started pulling his fingers out, dark cacao panicked "W-WOOF! WOOF! ARF ARF!" affogato held back his hysterical laughter at hearing the oh-so-mighty dark cacao cookie bark like a cake hound "bark for me again~!" With shaky breaths, he barked again "WOOF! ARF! ARF! WOOF! ARF! WOOF WOOF WOOF!" affogato chuckled a bit "one more time, pup~!" dark cacao barked for the final time "WOOF! WOOF!" affogato chuckled, and began thrusting his fingers extremely fast, it wasn't even 20 seconds before the euphoria took over, dark cacao screamed in ecstasy, all he saw was the color white as he threw his head back into the pillows, before falling into a gut-wretching orgasm, cum shooting all across his stomach, after the euphoria passed, his chest heaved, his vision went blurry for a few seconds, before coming back into focus, he tried sitting up, before throwing his head back into the pillows again after feeling something vibrate against his hole "you didn't actually think we were done, did you, pup? that was only round one, we still have the rest of the night ahead of us~" affogato turned it off, and slid the vibrator in a little, dark cacao let out a little whimper of ecstacy, affogato pushed it in further, allowing dark cacao to adjust to the stimulation, it wasn't even on, and yet, it felt, good, dark cacao might actually, enjoy this, no, he's supposed to hate this! he hates this! it's disgusting! it's....it's....so good~! wait, no! it's not! he hates this! affogato turned the vibrator on low, giving dark cacao a feel for what's to come, and began thrusting a bit faster, dark cacao groaned from the stimulation, Affogato chuckled a bit, he loved seeing cacao like this, he wanted to RUIN him, make him beg for more, overstimulate him, affogato leaned down and began kissing the kings nipple, whilst his free hand messed with his other one, dark cacao let out a throaty moan, his nipples were sensitive, and even a single press could make the king moan loudly, affogato sat up, and looked into the kings purple eyes "do you want me to turn it up, pup?" dark cacao didn't respond "come on~ answer me!" affogato pinched dark cacaos nipple, making the king let out a stuttered gasp "Do you want me to turn it up higher or not?" cacao refused to respond, he let out another gasp when affogato pinched his nipple again "I'm only going to keep pinching you if you don't respond, pup, so riddle me this, do you want me to turn it up or not!?" dark cacao didn't respond again, he refused to, affogato could pinch him as many times as he wanted, he wouldn't respond, that's when affogato pulled the vibrator out, maybe he's finally given up! dark cacao was flipped onto his stomach, dark cacao rested his head on top of his arms, propping his head up, affogato lifted the kings ass in the air "you won't respond to me? i guess I'll have to make you~" affogato then raised his hand up high, and slapped dark cacaos ass (SPANK!) the sudden pain made cacao jolt a bit (SPANK!) he struck the kings ass again, this time leaving a faint slap mark (SPANK!)(SPANK!)(SPANK!) the pain was getting to cacao fast, affogato chuckled "is the pain already getting to you? are you already gonna cry, pup? you should've listened to master~!" (SPANK!)(SPANK!) tears pricked the corner of his eyes as affogato continued with the spanking (SPANK!)(SPANK!)(SPANK!)(SPANK) dark cacaos breathing only got heavier, the spanking was painful as hell! (SPANK!) affogato laughed, then turned dark cacao on his back, pinned dark cacaos hands above his head, and reinserted the vibrator, turning it up to a low setting again "now~ I'll punish you again if you don't answer, ok pup?" cacao nodded, eyes still quivering wet from the last punishment, tears threatening to drip out "do you want me to turn it up~?" dark cacao nodded, but affogato didn't accept that as an answer "answer me, pup, i don't accept nods or head shakes as answers" dark cacao whimpered, his usual deep voice growing a bit high pitched with the whimper "yes...." affogato heard what he said, but come on now, we all know affogatos a malicious bitch (SPANK!) affogato spanked the side of cacaos thigh, the king jolted in pain, and let out a shaky breath "Use your words! what a naughty pup, if you don't answer, i might just have to 'correct' you!" dark cacao panicked, he didn't want to be 'corrected' again "Yes... affogato-" (SPANK!) another spank to the thigh, it left a faint mark their this time "It's master, not affogato! what a naughty, naughty pup~!!!" affogato "Yes......m-master..." affogato chuckled "yes what~!?" dark cacao whimpered "yes...master.....turn it up please...." affogato smiled, finally getting the response he wanted, he turned the vibrator to a medium setting, the king moaned lightly at this, affogato then thrusted the vibrator in and out, dark cacao moaned, but, it didn't feel like he had a rhythm, it more so felt like he was searching for something, that's when cacao realized what he was searching for, the king squirmed and wriggled in an attempt to make sure affogato didn't hit 'that' spot, affogato became increasingly annoyed at this, he eventually had enough (SPANK!) another spank to the thigh should make him stop! "Stop it! bad pup! bad! naughty pup! you be a bad puppy one more time, and I'll have no choice but to punish you~~!" dark cacao gave a shaky sigh, then laid still, affogato prodded the vibrator around, dark cacao knew what he was looking for, it didn't make it any less of a surprise when the vibrator hit his prostate, cacao gasped loudly, then arched his back slightly at the slightly overwhelming pleasure "Ngh~! mmm~!" affogato chuckled at dark cacaos moans of need "Oh! does puppy want master to turn it up all the way~?" dark cacao nodded, affogato sighed "remember, i don't take a nod or a head shake for an answer!" dark cacao whimpered "Yes... master...turn it up..." affogato pet his 'puppy's' head "ok~ prepare yourself!" affogato turned it all the way up, dark cacao let out a scream, his hands giving the sheets beneath them a death grip, affogato knew he was already close to the edge from earlier stimulation, pressing it against his prostate even harder, dark cacao had prepared himself for the intense euphoria, that's when affogato stopped "M-master....w-why have you st-stopped..." affogato chuckled "Bark for it, just like last time, you want to cum, bark for me" a single tear dripped out of dark cacaos eye, he breathed in "ARF! ARF! AROOOO!" Affogato smiled "One more time!" Dark cacao breathed in, and he barked "AROOOO! WOOF! WOOF! ARF!" affogato turned it back on, and slammed it into his prostate one final time, that's when the euphoria took over, he saw only white for a few seconds, as his cock shot out white strands that landed across his stomach, affogato licked him clean, and undressed himself "pup, you better be prepared~!" he pulled out his cock, and cacao got a bit worried "oh! are you intimidated by my girth and length? don't worry, don't squirm, and it won't hurt as much....~" as much? AS MUCH!? it'll still hurt!? no, no! it...it could feel good though...~ no! stop thinking like that! it is won't feel good! "are you ready, pup~?" dark cacao whimpered a bit in fear, his insides were very, very sensitive, even a bit of pain makes him jolt "Ah, scared are you?" dark cacao had to object "No! I'm not afraid affogato......" affogato spanked the king (SPANK!) dark cacao jolted in pain, he groaned, and affogato sighed "bad bad boy, it's master! master! not affogato! i told you, next naughty thing you do, I'll have to punish you~!" affogato pulled his pants back up, hearing cacao sigh in slight relief, affogato pulled on the kings leash, pulling him off the bed, he was dragged back to where they played cards (a private room within the castle) and leaned over the couch "I'm sorry dearie, but you leave me no choice~!" affogato reached under the couch and pulled out a paddle "i was saving this for when you misbehaved..." affogato raised it high, and spanked cacao with it (SPANK!) cacao flinched at the splitting pain, it hurt so much! (SPANK!)(SPANK!)(SPANK!) "AH! quit it n-now!" affogato sighed "but you left me with no choice....~" (SPANK!)(SPANK!)(SPANK!)(SPANK!)(SPANK!)(SPANK!)(SPANK!) cacao was actually crying at this point, tears were flowing down his face along with shaky breaths, affogato struck him one last time (SPANK!) cacao gasped at the last spank, it hurt so badly! affogato looks cacao in his teary eyes "I'm sorry, but i needed to teach you a lesson, naughty pup" affogato pulled on his leash once again, and lead him back to the bed, cacao got on the bed, this is humiliating, why did he ever agree to this!? he hates this! affogato grabbed cacaos hair "we need to lube up first, come on~!" dark cacao realized what he wanted him to do "n-no!" Affogato sighed "I'll punish you again, harder this time, if you don't begin~!" cacao looked up at him with teary eyes "ah ah ah~ no crocodile tears, either suck my cock, or get punished for the rest of the night-" dark cacao put his mouth around affogatos length, affogato threw his head back in pleasure "mmm~! don't  want to be punished~?" cacao let out a muffled 'n-no' and continued, dark cacao cookie had barely any gag reflex, and made sure to coat the ganshins entire cock with saliva to make sure it hurt the least amount, this lasted for a few minutes, until affogato pulled cacaos head away, and turned the king around, he ran a finger over cacaos hole "Ready, pup~?" dark cacao gave a shaky breath "yes...master..." affogato chuckled, turning cacao on his back and putting the kings legs against his chest, affogato then pushed the tip and 2 inches inside, not even allowing cacao to adjust "i hate this! why did i ever bet with him!? I hate...maybe...i don't hate it...wait, no! i hate this! i- NGH~! AH~! god that feels so fucking good~! i want his entire length inside~! no! i hate this! stop thinking this feels good!" affogato pushed 4 more inches in, cacao let out a shaky breath, the ganshin pushed 3 more in, cacao tightened his throat to muffle a moan, with little success "Ngh...~!" Affogato finally got the last inch in, moaning at how warm and tight cacao was "Mmm~ so warm...so tight...I'll begin thrusting dear...remember, struggling only makes it hurt more" dark cacao is still in dismay about it hurting, even if he doesn't struggle, affogato began thrusting slowly, cacaos breathing got heavier with each thrust "Shit...this feels so good...~ w-wait, n-n-no! I don't like- FUCK! it h-hit a s-sensitive sp-spot~! p-please go f-faster~! please make me cum~! wait no! no! n- FAHCK! IT'S ALREADY SO DEEP~! NGH~! MMM~! AHH~! I CAN F-FEEL THE V-VEINS AGAINST MY WA-ALLS~!" dark cacao moaned loudly "f-faster~!" affogato obliged, speeding up his thrusts, it eventually hit his prostate "AH D-DADDY~!" neither cacao, nor affogato expected it, it just sorta, came out, dark cacao finally broke, he couldn't handle it anymore, but affogato was more than ok with it "daddy~? i like it...you can call me that from now on pup~" affogato sped up really fast, he was basically hammering into him at this point, making cacao moan out in ecstasy "M-MORE~! MORE~! F-FASTER P-PLEASE~! HARDER DADDY~!" affogato didn't really show it, but a strong man with cacaos physique calling him 'daddy' made him go feral, especially since it was cacao himself "BREED ME~! BREED ME~! BREED ME LIKE A LITTLE SLUT~! I'M YOUR WHORE DADDY~!" Affogato decided 'fuck it' and indulged in his feral instincts "Fuck...you like it when I breed you like this pup~?" dark cacao screamed out "OH YES~! YES~! YE- AHH~! DADDY~! PLEASE KEEP GOING ROUGH~!" Affogato followed his feral instincts and was rough fucking cacao until the king couldn't walk "AH~! AH~! IT HURTS SO MUCH, BUT FEELS SO GOOD~!" affogato moaned quietly at how cacao began squeezing around his cock "Ngh...~ so creamy~ so tight~ so wet~ you're t-taking me so well~" affogato praised, dark cacao moaned out in pleasure "t-thank yo- NGH~! AH~! D-DADDY~! DEEPER~! DEEPER~! B-BREED ME~! BREED ME~! P-PLEASE~!" affogato chuckled "mmm~ how about i....breed an orgasm out of you~?" dark cacao wrapped his arms around affogatos neck "Y-YES~! BREED ME UNTIL I CUM~!" affogatos goal was set, and he was dead set on achieving it, cacao was crying from pleasure at this point, bubble teardrops flowing down his face, the pleasure was electrifying, shooting up his spine like a bolt of lightning,  he moaned and sobbed with every thrust, it was surprising to see the usually stoic and cold king beg and moan for someone's cock, affogato felt a warm feeling bubble in his stomach, he knew what it was "inside or out~?" dark cacao moaned in pleasure "i-inside~!" affogato understood, a few thrusts later, affogato moaned out in bliss as he came, his warm cum staining the kings insides white "Ah~! I'm about to- AH~! D-DADDY~! I'M CUMMING~! NGH~!" dark cacao saw stars when he came, his cock shot strands of white on his chest, affogato pulled out, and let go of the kings legs, those same legs collapsing on the bed, unable to move "i...i can't f-feel my legs..." dark cacao whimpered "it's alright, you'll be able to move them tomorrow~" they both chuckled at this, affogato then leaned in, kissing dark cacao, the king kissed back, their tongues swirling around for a few minutes, they both pulled away, and dark cacao collapsed from exhaustion, affogato got him cleaned up, put blankets over him, and was about to leave, but dark cacao stopped him "affogato....please stay....i want to feel your warmth beside me...." affogato smiled "ok my liege~" affogato walked over to him and hopped in his bed, dark cacao wrapped his arms around affogato "goodnight...." and he fell asleep almost immediately, affogato hugged back "goodnight~" and laid his weary head to rest, if be hard to explain why affogato isn't in his room, and why dark cacao is limping, but that's a problem for future them

Word count: 3457 words

Game Of Cards (Dom!Affogato x Sub!Dark cacao)(18+!)Where stories live. Discover now