Siren - InAmeSame Angst Lyric Fic

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InAmeSame angst one-shot

Italic — lyrics
Bold — narration


You'll be seein' me in your dreams and
I'll be there when your reality drowns

Ina gasped as she lift herself from waking up. Her dream ended up with her and Ame falling into the void where Evil Gura pushes them.


Amelia turns her head to the shocked Ina. "You sure have been getting a lot of nightmares every since Gura was taken down the ocean." said Ame. She walked to her girlfriend and hugged her. "What's it about this time?" she asked. Ina opened her mouth but nothing is coming out of it. Not a word but tears. Ina held on Amelia's arm as she sobbed. Amelia hushed, trying to comfort her girlfriend. "Gura... she's — she..." said Ina. "Gura doesn't want to come home..." she continued. Amelia gasped and held tight on Ina. "It's just a nightmare... don't worry." said Amelia.

There's a bright side

Gura yells as she try to get herself out of her reflect's control. "Let me go, Gura! I want to go home!" yelled the blue Gura.

To every wrong thing

"This is your home, coward." said Evil Gura.

If you're looking at me through the right eye

Evil Gura dragged her reflect back in the ocean and closed their face together. Evil red eyes stared at the Atlantean's ocean eyes as if it's telling her "You belong here, stupid 'cute, naughty' shark of Atlantis." which Evil Gura told her as she held on Gura's chin.

Darkness in my name

You're "Gawr Gura, ruler of Atlantis" and not some "person" You're a shark.

Evil Gura's voice echoed.

Don't you wanna come and play on the cool side

The sharks' surrounding went black until they stood up in front of Atlantis' throne. Gura's trident flew to hit its owner.

Don't be so shy

Gura fell as she was hit and saw Evil Gura's foot. Gura looked up and saw Evil Gura close her face to her again.

There's a pleasure in hidin' from the sun

She merged herself with her reflection.

No, I was never one for pretty weather

Now, Evil Gura is in Gura's body and has taken over it,

I'd rather be a creep, baby, follow me into the water

Evil Gura chuckles.

I'll take you to the darker

Evil Gura swam up to Gura's girlfriends. From there, she knocked on the door. "What are you doing?!" yelled Gura in Evil Gura's mind. Evil Gura ignored her reflection. Amelia answered the door and broke into tears as soon as she saw her shark girlfriend. Evil Gura used her magic to play with Amelia's mind with illusions...

This could be perfection

Gura laughs at Amelia, then kisses her until...

A venom drippin' in your mouth

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