character 1

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You got a job at the dimitrescu residents for high pay but the rumors made it hard to decide. You where alone no one left for you they were eaten by lycans one night and left you with no one or nothing. Going to the dimitrescu residents was your last chance. You had h/c hair and precious
e/c eyes that anyone could get lost in.

When you first got there you saw a older maid "hello I assume your y/n" the old lady asked "why yes that would be me" you said "hello I am Ingrid the head maid here" she said while leading  you to another part of the castle. You passed by many doors before getting to a room with a twin ben dresser and tiny bathroom "this is going to be your room enjoy now" she said while leaving.

It was small but still better then sleeping in the tiny house that you could barley afford. When you got to the dresser you saw some shirts pants and maid uniforms. You saw a sewing machine and many other things made for making clothing. You saw a note on your bed with your plans for work "you wake up at 5:30 sharp you are on kitchen duty you cook clean and do work around the kitchen. Rose is the main cook you will do what she says and if you have any problems you come to the lady. Sincerely mistress dimitrescu" you read.

You didn't have anything to do in the mean time you looked at your things and went to clean your room as it was dusty. Cleaning was easy job to do for you. You did enjoy cooking so you weren't complaining about it. You went out of your room and saw maids running around and went to the kitchen.

You walked to the kitchen and saw maids cooking steam and meat you didn't know what kind but it looked red and bloody. "Don't stand there go cut the veggies" a women with blonde hair green eyes and Freckles. You chopped  veggies for the soup it was a veggies soup with many spices included."hey new girl would you be so kind to serve the soup with rose I'm still cleaning" another girl said to you "sure of course" you said while taking the cart from her.

You had four bowls of soup 3 of them where big bowls but one of them was massive. When you brought the soup out you saw 4 women three with hoods. One of the 4 women was beautiful the biggest one that was lady dimitrescu you didn't expect her to be that gorgeous. You walked to the table as so did the other maiden. The other maiden had the meat it was cooked but still was medium rare.

You served them the bowls you served the 3 hooded girls first and then lady dimitrescu. You saw her starring at you as you tucked your hair behind your ear while giving them there soup. You served the lady her soup and made eye contact you gave her a smile and gave her the bowl. When you got back to the kitchen you just freaked out "what's wrong new girl? " the blonde asked "we made eye contact" you said terrified "the lady?!?!? " the brown haired women said "yes her" you said "she never gives eye contact with maidens" a red head said.

You got done with cleaning and had nothing better to do so you went to the library to read. You saw the roof light and shelves of books with couches and lights. You went to pick out a book and saw romantic ones lots of them. You picked a wlw book and sat down on the floor where you got the book. "You like wlw? " you saw the hooded girl "hello m'lady yes I do" you said looking up "I'm Daniela I like reading as well" she said sitting down next to you "good to know lady Daniela" you said with a smile.

You saw her pick up a book and read next to you "you made eye contact with mother" she said looking at you "I know she doesn't make eye contact with maids like me huh" you said "nope your the first one I've seen" she said. You felt someone watching you and Daniela "m'lady I feel someone watching us" you said calmly she jolted around and started looking. Lady dimitrescu was observing you as you read Apparently. You saw the lady and bowed your head in response you where flushed to see her again so soon.

She nodded at you and spoke to Daniela. They left and you continued reading your wlw and saw the nice skys and clouds . The story was cheesy and puppy love based it was nice and wholesome that was the thing you liked. When you picked another book it was another wlw but it was more smutty you where in in chapter 4 where things got good."your really going to read that one"you saw a blond hooded girl "what? " "yea that ones not that, oh shit that one oh god" she said with her eyes wide "what's wrong? " you asked "super smutty that's what you read in your room or in private" she chuckled.

"So I'm bela and you are? " she said "I'm y/n nice to meet you lady bela" you responded "nice name " she said "thanks" you said. You looked up to see it was already dark "we should head to bed it's late out lady bela" you said facing her "hey so I saw you looking at mother how do you feel about her" she said in a serious tone "well I'mma head to bed and she's nice" you said while leaving bring the book with you.

You took your leave into your room where you saw a gift box you saw snacks and other things "who would leave me those they look rare in this place" you wondered to your self. As you left the box on your desk you went to take a shower each room had there own bathroom as each maid has there own room they had a whole separate area for the maidens living area. You got out of the bathroom and got dressed in a tank top and shorts and set up your outfit for tomorrow.

Your had a phone a luxury that most people didn't get you got this one when you and your family traveled to the big cities. It was small but kept you entertained with music and games you had to keep it in your room because you had already cracked the screen. You had me my songs to choose from but your favorite was the one you played the most tree house it was a good song and remind you of your teen years when you were still to young to get a job.

When you where younger you had a tree house in your back yard you spent countless hours in there you let no one in except this one girl you met she was the first to be let inside. May was her name she was the same age as you she always wore a ponytail and had jet black hair she was Asian there weren't any Asian people in your village she was the first. Her family came from Thai land she went through a lot just to get here and it wasn't the best place so you made it for her. Her family didn't speak good english so you taught her and her little brothers how. her mother didn't make it so it was only her dad and her siblings and her.

You never let her up there until after a year of being friends. When you did you spent long hours up there until she needed to go home she was your best friend. You where her best friend and did everything together until her last breath your friend ship had ran out when she died in the lycan attack when you both where 19 about 3 years ago.

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