chapter 2

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As you woke up you left to get ready for the day brushing your teeth face washing ect. You put on you maid outfit and left for the day . As you put on your maid outfit you saw the sun rise for the first time in a while it was nice. Going down stairs you saw the other maids come out of there chambers as well. As you all left to make breakfast for the lady and her daughters you saw the some maids go in the direction of the lady's chambers to wake them as well.

Getting breakfast ready was like any normal thing you made pancakes orange juice and French toast. Making breakfast for them was like any other job but you had to be the one to mix the blood with there syrup.there was a copper smell when ever you did make the syrup but you didn't mind. You were done and brought it to the cart that brought the food to the lady and her daughters.

Bring out the food each time was scary knowing that one wrong move and you could be dead in a flash. This time while serving food the lady made eye contact once again. Her pale skin didn't that seem pale anymore it was a pinkish around the cheeks. You gave her a smile as you left "what the fuck happened back there" you said to yourself flushed as hell holding your hands to your face.

As the last and her daughters left you and another maid went to clean the table pick up dishes ect. You gave the dishes to another maid to clean while you wiped down the table with a damp cloth. Once that was done you went to do your other task around the castle.

                   ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙥 ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛

You where cleaning the library and dusting around. Apparently the lady hated dust due to her Sneezing nonstop when ever she was around it. You made sure to dust every part of the library as you could. Some spots where hard to reach so you carried around a stool to help get to those tall spaces.

You felt as if you where being watched but brushed it off as Paranoia. Most maids felt this way as well the castle gave scary feelings knowing you could die at any moment. You where cleaning a shelf and still felt as if you where being watched. You looked around this time but saw nothing. "It doesn't matter it's fine y/n your only being paranoid" you say to hurd a noise near the shadows.

"What the fuck was that" you thought to yourself as you finished cleaning and left the library. You saw it was messy in the art room al you decide to clean up a little. "Who's in here" you hurd a voice say as lady dimitrescu walked in "hello lady dimitrescu I was just cleaning in here" you say with your head bowed down. "Oh carry on then I'll be in the other room painting I won't be in the way" she said with a smile and left.

                           𝙡𝙖𝙙𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙘𝙪 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

Why did she have to be in there no matter what I do I can't get her off my mind why is that. Going into the other part of the art room I picked up a brush and started to paint what was on my mind. Getting back from meeting was always a pain the man child never stops blabbering and donna is the same moreau was also doing well.

Looking back at the painting I see y/n in it "what the hell is going on with me" I say to myself as I'm putting on my hat. No matter what I did she never got off my mind. Leaving I saw that she had left and cleaned the  brushes and the messy walls that had paint splattered on it. She did a fantastic job at cleaning the walls that had paint on them for weeks. Thinking of her makes my face flush it was quite strange to feel.

                                            𝙔/𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

It was hard to get the paint off as it was stuck on hard. "I wonder what the lady paintings are like" you say to yourself. You knew the lady had another room for her paints and painting and the girls shared one. You cleaned the girls because it was the messiest and you did have no access to the lady's art room.

When ever you where near lady dimitrescu you felt eyes on you. You never mined the eyes but it was weird always felling watched. When your family died you where left alone to fend for yourself. No one helped or even acknowledged you when you where sleeping on the streets. When you where a able to hold a job it paid little lei. When you got your house it was shabby but gave you a place to call home.

Living in the castle wasn't that bad as it was warm and gave you clothes on your back. It was around lunch so you went down stairs to prepare lunch for the lady's. Lady dimitrescu had given you orders to always serve breakfast lunch and dinner you didn't know why but she did. When you  thought of lady dimitrescu you found her attractive but knew she would never acknowledge you as a equal. Knowing what they did to maids make your blood run cold but you know not getting in trouble would keep your head on your body.

Getting down stairs to make lunch you made sure to do it fast as the maids ate before to make sure they wouldn't be hungry. They took care of the maids needs but never desires anything the maids wanted they had to get themselves from the Duke. You would get your own things and sometimes things for the lady's daughters as you found out they like Plushies.

When ever you did go to the Duke you where getting food or things the lady's wanted. They would normally go themselves but it was winter and to file for them to go outside. Getting down stairs you made yourself food and then the head of of the kitchen gave you all orders on what to make and how to make it.

When making the food you hum a song. The song was rises the moon it was a calm song with a strong meaning. When you got done with making the food you put it on plates and served it. Still humming the song you went to serve the food to the lady's. Putting the plates down on the table  lady dimitrescu ask to see you after lunch.

As you walked to the lady's chambers you walked past doors of rooms. When you got to the lady's chambers you saw two doors decorated with gold and silvers. You knocked on the door "come in" this was the first time your had Hurd her talk. You walked in and you saw her with her black hat and her cream dress.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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