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•Larkfeather is a white she-cat with gray tabby markings and blue eyes.

•Larkfeather and Leafwhisker disappeared in the middle of the night, only telling Finchstar where they were going. Surprisingly enough, he understood, and said he would tell the clan in the morning.

•Leafwhisker and Larkfeather ended up starting a clan called BrightClan, where medicine cats were allowed to have mates, and cats could have mates outside of the clan. Many joined them, and Leafwhisker became Leafstar.

•This means that Larkfeather was able to remain a medicine cat.

•Together they had two kits, Fernkit and Finchkit.

•They met up with Fernpaw again after the end of the series (the next book).

•Larkfeather's parents were a gray tabby she-cat named Silverdust, and a white tom with blue eyes, the leader of ShrewClan, Hailstar.

•'Replacement' is set one moon after the end of 'Important'.

Also, sorry for adding a forbidden romance, but I needed a reason for Larkfeather to leave the clan, and I didn't want more death.

Replacement- A Warrior Cats Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now