Hi, my name is Tess. I'm 12 years old and I love to play basketball. My life is a very interesting one so I would like to tell you about it. Here goes nothing:
My parents had always wanted a son but instead they got 4 daughters. Penelope, Me, Avalon and Raquelle. Since I was the youngest, they thought they had a better shot of transforming me into this tomboy machine. I used to dress in fancy clothes all the time until I was bullied in middle school for it. After that incident I agreed with my parents to be a tomboy machine and act like they wanted me to. Avalon and Raquelle were twins and hated that I didn't have a ¨sense of fashion anymore.¨ They got on my nerves most of the time. My parents pushed me into trying out for basketball and had me train by myself and with a personal trainer. I made the team, but when I played, I felt like what would happen at home would depend on how well I did here. On the last game on the season I told my coach to have me sit the whole game so I could see how mad my parents would get. He disagreed and made me play the whole game instead. I would always pass it to a teammate so I didn't score. That got them mad but not mad enough. I decided to just deal with the fact that I was actually good at basketball, but before that happened, I jumped to smack the ball from someone's hand and I got pushed into a big padding block and completely bent my ankle in half.