chapter 2 Harry??

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Hey its Cass Cass but I spent an hour doing this chapter and im new so cut Meg slack. Anyways please comment and vote. And please recommend me :) it would make my day anyways back to the story

xoxoxo - Kassidy

Two weeks later.


Aubrey's Pov


I groaned, and walked over to the door.

" SORRY LIL!" I WOKE UP LATE, AND YOU AND CARSON KEPT ME UP", I yelled down the stairs.

It was my first day to work in England, and I was already late.

Typical me.

I threw on my uniform and ran down the stairs.

"What do you mean Carson and I kept you up." "We were perfect angles last night."she said with a mischievous face.

" I laughed and hit her playfully on the arm. " Uh huh sex till 3 in the morning is totally angelic.", I said with ALOT of sarcasm. " You know you liked it.,she said. My mouth dropped and my hand went to my throat. " " Lillie Karadine! " She laughed and walked to the door.

" We need to go, Amber is gonna beat our butt if we don't hurry." "Oh and make sure you have your makeup right for Ryan." I looked up from my eyeliner and rolled my eyes. " Ryan and I are not dating." We have only known each other for 2 weeks." "He doesn't even say aanything to me." " He just flexes his muscles when he mops, and asked me how much mango to put in the blender." " Besides I'm not ready for a boyfriend."

I looked down. I had never told anyone about my secret. It was like I thought if I told it would happen again. I had learner never to trust anyone. Butttt Lillie was an exception. She was the first person to complimentt me on my eyes. I got it a lot but ya know it never gets old. " Come on mate! " '"Lighten up a bit will ya. " I laughed.

" Hey do you mind if I walk to work?, I just wanna look around. I really needed fresh air and some time to breath. It was perfect 75 degree weather.

" Um sure, but hurry up." "Ill cover for you." "Hmmm stomach cramps?" I laughed and hugged her. " Ya sure." " K byre!" She went out the door and I heard her car drive away.. I thought I looked pretty decent. Besides the ugly uniform for Surges Slushies. My hair was in a cute messy bun, and my mákeup was flawless. I thought I was a pretty good make up artist. I grabbed my key and went out the wooden door, and locked it. . I turned around and felt the London breeze hug my warm body.

I walked down 10th avenue, and turned left. I decided I was going to sing, and I pulled out my ipod. I scrolled down the list unroll I got to a Jessie J song: Pricetag.

It seems like everybodys got a price

I wonder how they sleep at night.

When the sales comes first and the truth comes second, just stop for a minute and... smile.

Why is everybody so serious, acting so Damn mysterious

Got there

I was interrupeted by a tap.on my shoulder.

" You have a nice voice, said a deep husky English accent.

I spun around, and looked at the person. My jaw dropped and I was about to scream, when his hand covered my face. " SSSSHHH!! " "They will hear you!." " But, I, um. " Who exactly will hear us?" " I motioned around me showing there was no people. " They are everywhere."

It was Harry Styles.

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