The Wild Herd

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It was a summer evening when I saw it, A wild herd. It was the first time I have ever seen such a sight! And probroly the last, But I hoped I could look at it all day long! Finally I rode back home. I told my family which did not belive me. The next day I went riding in the same spot as last time when I saw the herd. Nothing was there exept for one horse. I tryied to ride closer to the horse but before I could see it to well it ran. I followed in the direction the horse was going to see if it lead to the herd. All the horse lead to was another medow. What if the horse was wounded? What if the pack leader got injured and the pack got seperated I thought. I rode home to tell my family to see if we could do anything for the horse. They said the best thing to do was leave it alone and it will find its way back to the pack. All I wanted to do was help the horse but what could I do? That was all I thought about that night. I rode out there almost every day so the horse got used to me a little bit. One day it come almost so close to me I could almost touch the horse but the horse got spoked and ran. The good thing is that I found out it was a girl. I was thinking of naming her Beauty it fit her perfict and she sertanly was one too! I told my family they were not helpful they think I should't name her but I think the oposite of them. One day when I rode down there she come to me I touched her gorgous face and she did not move a spek. that moment was one of the best moments of my life! I could not belive my eyes. Day after day I would go down there to see her. I sometimes feed her because see was a bit skinny but not a lot. One day when I went outside there she was in the front yard! I told my father who owned our ranch we did have a empty pin. He said we could keep her as long as she does not get out and bother the other horses. I spent time with her, feed her and groomed her everyday! I was still thinking of the herd though. I started training her starting with halter and lead. It took a while for her to let me put her halter on her. And when she did I hooked the lead on the halter and she followed me every step!

I knew this horse really trust me but I was not about to start bridle and saddle train her. I would one day though. Everyday I would spend with her and halter train with her. I decided after weeks went bye with the halter training I would start with the saddle which is the easiest so I put on the blanket she was spooked at first but then she calmed down. Then for the saddle she did not now what to think when I brought it out! I let her smell it really good. Finally I got it on her tightened the gerth and everything. Once I got the saddle on I started longing. She was wild! Bucking and kicking every were! Finally she calmed down. Next I started to TRY to get on her by leaning my wight on her. After a little of that she let me get on her! Her gate was amazing! I could ride her all day long! I loved her already so much! We moved her in a open stall she was becomeing a member of our pack even my father loved her and ever one else! She was my best friend!

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