Chapter Two

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Merlin rushed through London to Harry's flat. He didn't bother with knocking on the door and just stormed through the door. He searched through the hallway and the rest of the flat trying to find Roxy. 

"Roxy?!" Merlin called out, hoping he wasn't too late and she had been taken somewhere.

"We're in here!" Roxy called back from the front of the flat.

Merlin turned back on himself so fast, he was pretty certain he had probably twisted his ankle or maybe even sprained it! He found Roxy and Eggsy in the room with butterflies all around them. So that's what Harry did in his spare time! They were both huddled around a computer screen. Roxy had heard him come in and waved at him to come in. 

"What on earth are you two doing here in the first place?!" Merlin always got to the point.

"Long story." Roxy sighed, not wanting to tell the whole story just yet especially if this might get back to Arthur!

"Merlin can you track Harry's phone. I think he might be in trouble." Eggsy quickly changed the subject getting a pen and paper.

Merlin looked at Roxy. 

"Eggsy.... " Merlin started to say but was quickly cut off.

"I think he's alive Merlin so can we just cut the chitchat and move already!" Eggsy shouted knowing what Merlin was trying to say.

"Alright alright. Give me a second." Merlin waved his hands around.


Arthur tapped his fingers on the table in front of him. He was still waiting for Galahad to join him. Much to his annoyance she still hadn't arrived and now he couldn't get in touch with Eggsy either! He couldn't wait any longer, so he picked up his glasses and put them on. Seven agents appeared before him. 

"Thank you for joining me. I'm afraid I have some bad news, Galahad has been killed." Arthur told a shocked table.

The other agents looked at each other. All of them were close and to lose another agent so soon after loosing Lancelot, was a lot to take in. Some of them noticed Roxy was missing but none of them brought it up. They assumed she wouldn't be long, either that or she was a bit nervous because it was her first meeting.

"Now, let's raise a glass to Galahad and finish this meeting so we can get back to work." Arthur seemed to be quite keen to end the meeting.

"Sir?" One of the agents spoke up.

"What is it?" Arthur almost spat across the table, making the agents feel glad they weren't in the room.

"I just wondered if we had conformation about Galahad. I mean it's a bit weird that not all agents are here." The agent nodded his head over to the other space on the table.

Arthur shuffled in his seat. He didn't have an answer for that question but didn't want to show that to the others.

"I'm sure we'll have some from Merlin soon. Now raise your glasses." Arthur continued.

The agents could see Arthur getting mad so did what he said. 


Merlin continued to type something into the computer, which just made Eggsy feel more and more impatient. Roxy took him by the arm and took him out of the room so Merlin could work. 

"What are you doing?!" Eggsy went red as she closed the door.

"Give Merlin some space to work. It's not going to help with you storming about." Roxy fought back.

Eggsy didn't reply to that and just stood there looking into blank space. Roxy knew Merlin would do the right thing but he would have to be quick before Eggsy went looking all by himself.

"I should have been there Roxy." Eggsy finally said, resorting back to how he was acting when she first arrived.

"Like you would have done anything. You would probably be lying dead as well, just be glad you weren't." Roxy sounded quite blunt.

"Thanks!" Eggsy tutted.

"I've found it!" Merlin shouted to them.

Eggsy couldn't have moved faster. He burst into the room and ran straight over to Merlin. Roxy stayed by the door. Merlin pulled up what he had found.

"Right come on Roxy. Let's go and find Harry." Eggsy rushed out. 

"Keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn't do anything rash." Merlin said to Roxy, rubbing his eyes as the door slammed.

"I'll try. Wish me luck." Roxy smiled slightly.

She then left after Eggsy having not a clue where they were actually going! Merlin shut down the computer so he wasn't looking at the church anymore. His phone had continued to make sounds since he had left Arthur. He knew who it was and what it probably would be about. He left it a while longer and then answered it.

"Merlin." He answered the phone hoping Arthur wouldn't shout at him.

"Merlin, where are you? I've just had to have a meeting without you and Lancelot! How do you think HQ looks if we're missing two agents?!" Arthur's voice boomed through the phone.

"I'm working on something sir." Merlin managed to get in before Arthur talked again.

"Well finish it quick and get back here or else." Arthur butted in again.

"Yes sir." Merlin said rolling his eyes.

"And if you see Lancelot on your way here, tell her I need to see her straight away." Arthur ended the call.

Merlin threw the phone down on the desk. He certainly wasn't going to tell Lancelot she was needed, she had too much to do! 

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