Leaving Home

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"Parker! Are you ready yet?"

I sighed as I heard my mom calling me from downstairs.

"Yeah just give me a few minutes."

"Alright then sweetie. We'll start loading the car. We'll meet you down there."

I took one last look at my room. This is where my most precious moments took place. I had so many amazing memories here. I wasn't ready to leave it just yet, but it was nice to finally have a change. I sat in my now empty room and looked at an engaving on the wall.

Parker & Adrian Forever.

Adrian was my best friend. Has been since the first day of 3rd grade. Still remember it like it was yesterday. It was one of the best days of my life because I met an amazing person that would turn out to be my bestfriend. I don't know where I would be with out him.

"Parker, let's go!"

I heard my mom yell from outside. I looked through the window, as she signaled me to get out and get in the car now. I sighed and walked out my room, taking one last look and slowly closing the door. I walked downstairs and looked at the now empty house. It was hard to leave this home since I've lived in it my whole life but I was ready to start all over again.

I stepped outside and the door closed behind me. Everybody was already in the car waiting for me. I opened the car door and just as I expected, Jason and Jeremy were in the backseats having a nude-off. My brothers are such perverts.

"Nah man, Emily has bigger tits than Kim so she wins at life."

"But Kim has a bigger ass than Michelle."

"Well that's true. I still can't believe they sent us pictures."

I got in the car and looked back at them in disgust.

"You guys are fucking idiots."

"Love you too sis." They said in union.

My brothers were twins. Jason was 6'4, had black hair with blue eyes, and was the quarterback at our old school. He dated at least half the school. Such a douche. Jeremy was an exact duplicate of Jason. The only difference was that Jeremy had one blue eye and one green eye. Girls loved that about him so he got any girl he wanted pretty much. He was the star of the basketball team. They had both just turned 17 last week. They were 1 year older than me, which sucked because they were so overprotective of me. It shocked me, since they went through girls just like they went through shirts. But eh, I loved them.

My parents were similar too us. My mom had beautiful golden hair with dark blue eyes, which went perfectly with her skin tone. She was 5'4, which I got my height from. My dad had dark brown hair which matched with his light green eyes. He worked as a Finance Expert. He got offered a new job down in Florida, which explained why we were moving. I didn't really complain because our new house had a pool accompanied by a jacuzzi. It was a 5-bedroom, 6- baths town house. We had a 3-car garage and a guest house. Its every family's dream house.

I am a mini version of my mom. I have light blonde hair, with blue eyes that I love. I'm 5'2, which sucks when you're a junior. I might look like the average hottie at school but I'm the exact opposite. I've never had my first kiss, still a virgin, haven't even held hands with anybody. Yet everybody thinks I can have any guy I want. If I wanted too, I could, but I'm not the slutty type like other girls.

"Parker, are you excited to start school Monday?" My dad asked.

"Of course I am daddy." I replied sarcastically. Everybody in the history of mankind hates school. Pretty sure its a fact.

"I'm excited to see how many hotties hit on me." Jason said with a chuckle. His ego is bigger than anything.

"That's my son." Dad replied fist pumping the air.

"Alright settle down boys, we'll be there in a couple of hours so keep busy until then."
I could not last more than two hours in the car with Jason. I could bear with Jeremy but Jason was just way too much. I put my headphones in and pressed shuffle. It landed on Logic's "Buried Alive." Agh perfect I thought. After a few minutes into the song, I dozed off.

~~~~~~~ I really think this is going to be a good story. I have so many ideas but I have to wait until were more along into the story. Just know that there will be some juicy things happening when Parker starts school. I don't really have a life so I'll be posting a lot like 3-4 times a day. I know loser. But whatever I have fun writing this. Well tell me what you guys think about it so far. Thank you for reading !

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