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"Have a good night Aurora" The night nurses waved at me and I waved back

"Take it easy," I said and walked out the front.

I texted my auntie letting her know I was on the way then started my car up and pulled out of the parking lot. I had a long day dealing with the investigation and really just wanted to chill with my baby.

I heard my gas light going off and looked down seeing I was on empty "Shit"

I kept driving since it was a speedway right down the street from where I worked. My phone started ringing and it was Asia calling so I answered it.

"Girl, girl, girl!" She yelled into the phone.

"What?" I said laughing.

"Bitch you know I'm nosy as fuck right?"


"Why Curtis's mom die and this nigga ran off with they shit!" She started laughing "Fucking bum"

"Wait what?" I asked seriously "When was this?"

"His sister made the post earlier talking bout 'If you see my brother please call us'. Like girl ain't nobody finna call you."

I sighed "He stole from us too, this morning I'm guessing. He took mine and Enya's necklaces we got from my parents, some other stuff too."

"Are you fucking kidding me? Aurora" She paused "We gotta kill him, that's it. He gotta die"

I started laughing and she did too "I'll get it back, he probably pawned it somewhere nearby so I'll look around tomorrow" I pulled into the speedway and pulled up by a pump. I got out of the car seeing the chip reader wasn't working "Fuck"

"What's wrong?"

"I gotta go inside, fucking chip reader isn't working"

"Ugh, I hate that shit. You want me to stay on the phone with you?"

"No, it's okay. I'm just putting five in my tank and spending the night at my aunties. I bought my scrubs with me just in case-"

"It's the weekend Aurora. Relax bitch. The nursing home will be fine without you. I promise" She chuckled.

The door chimed and the cashier greeted me "Well I'm going to get off here, I'll text you when I get to my aunties"

"Alright. Love you"

"Love you too" I hung up the phone and looked at the cashier "Hi, can i get 5 on pump-" I looked out the window "9" I looked down at the snacks and grabbed some Hi-Chews for Enya. She loved these things. "These too"

I handed him my card and looked out the window again, only to see a black SUV pulling up behind my car. I didn't know If I was being paranoid or not but it looked like the same one from my job.


I looked back at the cashier to see him handing me my card. "Thank you" I took it from him. "Have a good night"

I hesitated before walking out. I had pepper spray in my pocket and my gun in my car, thanks to my dad drilling in my head that I always need a gun or something to protect myself with on me at all times. It was a law to me at this point. Hell I wasn't even going to get the damn gas anymore. My gut was just telling me to go.

I got to my door and two of the SUV doors started opening. I quickly opened my door and got in the car locking my doors. I heard a loud shatter and screamed when I realized they broke my damn window. I grabbed my keys started my car and sped out of the parking lot.

I was breathing heavily and grabbed my gun out of the middle console. I looked in the mirror and saw the car was quickly speeding up toward me. I started going faster only to get T-boned by another car.

My vision was blurry and I felt blood coming down my head and I let out a silent scream feeling my arm was broken. I still had my gun in my good hand and felt my door open. I started blindly shooting and heard a groan and someone cursing before I blacked out.

"Fuck" I groaned and let out a small scream feeling my arm. I blinked a few times trying to clear my vision but it wasn't working. Everything was so blurry.

"She's awake" I heard someone say.

"I left your other arm untied since it's broken. Nothing you can really do with it anyways" I heard a man with an Italian accent.

My vision started to clear up and I blinked my eyes finally seeing him. He looked young, he had a goatee with long hair. He had a white beater on with gauze around his arm. I looked to the left of him and saw a man that looked the same age as him with his arm in a sling, he had a bare face and hair that was cut on the sides.

"Curtis Matthews," The young man with the goatee said

I groaned leaning my head back "You have got to be fucking kidding me"

He pulled a chair in front of me and sat down "We just want to know where he's at"

"I don't know, he left my house before I woke up. He didn't say where he was going"

The other guy came up punching me, I felt blood gathering in my mouth and spit it out. The guy with the goatee grabbed him and pushed him "Go cool off!" he yelled, "She can't fucking talk if her fucking jaw is broken." He pushed him out the door and slammed it closed.

"I really don't know where he is" I slurred and flinched from the pain in my jaw.

He sighed sitting down in front of me "Fuck" He mumbled. I saw my phone flashing on the floor and he looked down at it. "What's your password"


He tapped in the numbers "Cute kid" I glared at him the best I could but the pain was just too much to bear. He looked up at me and down at the phone "You're a D.O.N at 25? That's impressive." He looked at me and back at the phone before rubbing his face in frustration "Your kid texted you from your aunt's phone."

"W-What di-did she say?"

"When are you coming to get her" He held the phone up to his chin and looked at me "Fuck" He stood up "Okay, okay," He said to himself. He went over and grabbed a knife and I started crying "Here's what we're going to do." I bit my lip looking away from him and he turned my face back to face him. "I'm going to have to cut you up a bit okay?"

I shook my head "Please-"

"I'm going to let you go. We just need this to look as real as we can without it getting back to my dad that I didn't kill you." I nodded my head "It'll be more real if they heard you screaming but if you want, I can knock you out."

I blew out a breath and nodded my head "Okay, I'll stay awake."

"Good. I'll take you to the hospital after"

"I'm ready"

His Aurora (Geniuses and Genetics Book 1) (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now