Part One

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A sword wings down on my face. I scream in pain and fall back onto my bottom. I crawl backward, trying to get away from my opponent. I look in fear, up at my opponent. I can't see his face, it's all blacked out by a cloth. I can feel my eye bleeding and I can taste the warm metallic flavored blood running down my face and into my mouth. My sweat was running down into my cut making it sting. He crouched down in front of me and cocked his head to the side. He was taunting me, knowing that I can't do anything to hurt him in my state. Even though his face is blacked out, I can tell he is smiling. I can see his pearl-white smile, shining through his face covering cloth. I know that he finds joy in my pain. He grabs a knife out of his side pocket and holds it up to my neck. My breath quickens and I can feel my heart start to pound. Now, I'm crying. I'm scared. I don't want to be here. I don't want to die. Not this way. Not now. He starts to apply pressure and I wince at the pain. Right then, I realized that he was going to kill me and he wasn't going to taunt me or leave me with a remembrance of when he had my life in his hands. The pressure on my neck is unbearable, my eyes flutter shut from the pain. I can feel the blood leaking slowly down my neck and my shirt. My vision starts to go black, as he applies more pressure, sliding the knife across my neck slowly.
I jump awake. I find that my brother is standing next to me looking worried. He was shaking me and whispering my name loudly, making sure he was going to wake me from my nightmare. My first instinct was to grab my knife and thrust it at his neck. He jumped back and yelped. I put my knife down on my bed and look at him apologetically. When he saw that I was calmed down he smiled with relief. He started to play with my hair and smile. This was his way of reassuring me after my nightmares or if I almost killed him because I thought he was a robber trying to steal my stuff. That's not the first time that's happened.

"Are you okay, Girsu? You almost killed me again." He asks, stroking my hair, trying to reassure me that no one is dangerous in our house.

"Y-Yeah. Just had that nightmare again, about my eye," I say quietly. Girsu is my first name. When I tell people this they always think that it's a nickname for Girsani or Georgia, but I can promise you that it's my real name. My family named me after the ancient city of Sumer which was around 5330 to 2335 BC. They believed this would give me great power, and they were right.
In this town, each family has its power and in ours, it's water. Meaning that if we wanted to, we could cause a mass flood. Or at least I could. In every family, there are different levels of power for each person. In our family's case, the level of powers going from least to greatest is, my father, my mother, my sister, my brother, then me. Being able to control water isn't that powerful but it can be if you try hard enough. I mean how lucky do you have to get to be able to just cause a flood at the snap of a finger.
My full name is Girsu Waldrom Cyneric. I have the highest level of power in my family. My skin is soft and semi-tan.My hair is light pink with light highlights. A lot of people don't believe me when I say that I was born with the highlights. My hair is almost always pulled up in a messy ponytail, and if it isn't then it's pulled half up half down or in a messy bun. I'm not one to care about my appearance. I have acne on my forehead. I never really try to get rid of it, I let it do its own thing. This does bother people in my school, because they're so concerned with the beauty standard. I could care less about the standard. My face itself may not be flattering but my eyes certainly are. My eyes are the most flattering part of my face and my body for that matter. They are a royal dark red that has a pink rim around them. My eyes can be very appealing to many people, so when we have sparring classes they work very well when distracting my opponents. I have a scar on the right side of my face, on my eye. No one knows I got it, one day I woke up and looked in the mirror and it was there. Ever since I've been having the same nightmare about how I got it. You can always find me wearing a clip in my hair. This clip looks like a leaf but instead of being a gray-ish green, it's a neon green color. I got this for my seventh birthday from my brother. It was the only gift I got that birthday, so I wear it all the time.

The Blue Glimmer in the Sunlight, Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now