Chapter one

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Aryas POV

I sit on my bunk finishing the knot on my dark leather boots, my fingers move swiftly completing the task with precision. Putting my foot down I look at the hollow faces around me, as they all slouch around, gossiping in low voices. It almost feels like high school, sadly it is anything but.

The dark room hangs over the group like a black sheet, suffocating us all. A dim light comes in through the large door which makes it just bright enough to make out faces, hollow and dim with almost a ghost like quality to them.

I hear footsteps coming down the hall. Two pairs and I stand and buckle my gun belt around my waist.

The fluorescent lights flicker on as two shadows extend down the hallway. Fixing my posture I train my eyes on the dark figures that emerge from the dull color of the light reflecting off of the wall.

One of the figures is a tall man, who's infernal eyes could pierce your soul. He is dressed sharply, in a dark suit with spotless shoes. The button up shirt he wears underneath is immaculate, except for the single speck of blood present on his upper collar, the juxtaposition is strong between the two colors. I hide a shudder when my gaze finally lands upon his face long enough to identify, and a pair of black spectacles looks back at me, he is the infamous Daniel Whitehall. Next to him who matches every step he takes with two quick ones is his pet. She goes by several names, and there are a plethora of rumors surrounding her; she is most commonly known as 5872 though, the name Whitehall gave her.

Whitehalls eyes scan over me and I mask my face showing no emotion. It comes easy to me and almost automatic now like a switch. It is how we are trained. Emotions are dangerous, and threaten order. They cause us to second guess orders, making us think we know more than those who came before us. To prevent chacos we need obedience, rules should be followed and followed immediately.. No hesitation, and I agree.

The whispering around me stops and all the eyes are trained on her. The man next to her quickly glances at each of us, assessing us in an unsettling way. He looks like he wants to tear us apart, and judging by the condition of his pet, if he had the chance he probably would. The girl turns to us, and something flashes across her face before it's replaced with an insidious look. Her eyes, one being a forest green, and the other a dazzling blue stare right through us, before a smile creeps across her face highlighting the shadows under her eyes. With difficulty she raises one hand and waves at us with her fingers, and then snaps her attention back forward, and continues to walk robotically, and the light glimmers off the scar running through her eye as she leaves.

I grit my teeth. I hate her so much. She thinks she is better than the rest of us, just because she was born into hydra and never joined. Some rumors even say that she isn't even human. Or at least that's what I hear. I've heard rumors that she has skin that burns when you touch it. I doubt that. I mean she can't be that great. Half the agent's either look up to her or fear her. I would never admit it out loud but every time I see her she worries me. Just the stories I've heard are enough to chill anyone to the bone. Stories of snapped necks, and organs being ripped out by bare hands, I might be evil but I am certainly not Psychotic

I stand there for a minute and the people around me begin to whisper again. They all sound around me bouncing back and forth, and I only can catch a few snippets of the conversation.

"That was Agent 5872" A girl whispers.

Another chimes in "I heard she was called the Psycho slayer"

I roll my eyes and busy myself with the loading of my gun.

"That dark" And other voices mumbles.

Even though the obnoxious woman was well out of ear shot one whispered frantically, "shhh she might be able to hear us".

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