Strange Behaviour

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~Ranboo POV~

It's morning now and everyone is up. Phil is cooking breakfast with the help of George and Eret. There was some random show on but none of us paid attention to it. We were mostly talking amongst one another. I did notice how Tommy is unusually quiet. It's probably nothing but I'll keep an eye on him today. "Breakfast" Phil yelled from the kitchen. Everyone went to grab some food before coming back to the living room. I tried to sit near Tommy so I can keep an eye on him. It was silent majority of the time we were eating besides small conversation. I helped carry people's dishes into the kitchen and load up the dishwasher.

When I got back to the living room I noticed a few people had left, including Tommy. I went up to his room and knocked on the door. There was no answer, which made me worried. I quickly open the door to find Tommy sat on his bed with what looks like a pacifier in his mouth. "Tommy?" I question him, not knowing what to say. He looked at me with horror in his eyes. "What are you doing in my room?" he asks, trying to hide the pacifier. I try to explain to him, "you were acting weird today and you didn't answer when I knocked. I was scared something happen, so I let myself in." He sat there for a bit, then looked at me close to tears. "You don't hate me now?" he asks with a shakey voice. "Of course not, just a little confused" I explain to him. I patiently listen to the other explaining what was going on. "So you're fine with it?" Tommy asks me. "I'm just glad you found something that makes you happy" I tell him. He jumps into my arms and I hug him. "Your secret is safe with me" I whisper. He hugs me tighter and I smile.

I stayed in Tommy's room with him to keep the little company. We've been watching cartoons all day. Tommy starter getting hungry so I went to get us food. It was around dinner so most people were downstairs right now. "Hey Ranboo" Tubbo greets me. "Hi Tubs" I say before walking into the kitchen. Sapnap motioned to the food that was ready. I grabbed each of us a plate and a diet coke. Tommy was patiently waiting for me to come back. "Hi bud, do you have anything to put the coke in?" I ask the little. He pointed to one of the night stands. I place the stuff down before finding some of his things. Tommy watches me try to carefully pour the coke into a sippy cup. I managed to not spill any of it. "Are you old enough to eat on your own?" I ask the little. "Yep" he tells me excitedly. Tommy carefully eats his food and only makes a slight mess. After we both finished I helped clean up his hands. I quickly brought down our dishes, then I went back up to Tommy's room. The other seemed very tired, he was practically falling asleep. "Let's get you ready for bed" I tell the little. He sleepily nodded his head, before going to grab my hand. I help him brush his teeth and was his face. Now we're back in his room, he was tucked in with a stuffie. "Can ou stay wif me?" he asks. "Of course little one" I say, while cuddling up with him. In the matter of a few minutes we both fell asleep.

It was morning now and I slowly stretched. Tommy was clinging to my sid, still fast asleep. I gently ran my hand through his hair. The atmosphere was very peaceful. I watched Tommy's chest rise and fall in his sleep. Not long after he woke up with a confused look. "Good morning bud" I greet him. "I'm not little anymore" he mutters embarrassed. "Alright, but just so you know I support you and I'm always willing to help" I tell the other. "Thank you" he says. He gives me a quick hug, obviously embarrassed still. "Let's go get breakfast" I say to Tommy. We walk downstairs to hear pure chaos. "Waffles are the superior breakfast food" Wilbur yelled. "No, pancakes are" George argued back. "What's this all about?" Tommy asks. "What's better, waffles or pancakes?" George asks. "Waffles obviously" Tommy replies. "Thank you, someone gets me" Wilbur practically yells. "You both have horrible taste" George says in a sassy tone, clearly joking. "I'm truly offended Gogy" Tommy says turning his back from the other. Everyone bursts out laughing and it takes a few minutes for all of us to calm down.

After all of that we eat breakfast and have light conversations. "What should we do today?" Tubbo asks. We talk for awhile and come up with some ideas: zoo, water park, walking around town, and amusement park. All of us voted on what we should do today, we would do the other things a different day. "The winner is the water park" Phil exclaims. "Go get ready everyone, we're meeting outside in thirty minutes" Dream tells everyone. It takes me a few minutes to get changed and pack my bag. Only a few other people were ready and waiting in the living room. I messed around on my phone until Niki announces we're going to leave. We split into three cars. First one: Niki, Jack, Skeepy, Bad, and Eret. Second one: Techno, Wilbur, Phil, Fundy, and Tubbo. Last one: Dream, Sapnap, George, Tommy, and me. Dream was driving and George was in the passenger seat. Sapnap was on the left and I was on the right, Tommy was in between us. The drive was very short and we arrived in no time at all.

~Tommy POV~

When we got there I ran out immediately. "You forgot this" Sapnap told me, handing me the bag I left in the car. "Oh, thanks" I said embarrassed. "It's no problem Toms" he explained as he ruffled my hair. "Hey, stop that" I jokingly whine. "Why should I stop?" he asked. "Just cause" I say. "That's the worst reasoning I've ever heard" he joked. "Leave the poor kid alone" Dream said as he walked past us. We all laughed before walking to the water park. I was shocked to see it completely empty. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I rented out the place" Dream explains. I just stared at for a few seconds, then shrugged. It's honestly not that surprising but I'm shocked he rented it out in such short notice. We all put our things down and started going into the water. Tubbo and Ranboo dragged me around the park. We mostly when on the more tame water slides but not overly tame. I decided to go on the one with the floor that moves and drops you down. It seems scary but I wanted to try it. No one else was really in that area so I figured now would be a good time to go. I stood with my arms and legs crossed, waiting for it to drop me.

An- Any guesses on who his caregiver(s) might be? You'll find out very soon, probably in the next chapter or two. Also sorry for the cliffhanger but it fits really well with the next chapter. Part of it is planned out but it will still take a bit to write. I might also work on a few things for my other book as well, so it may take awhile to get another chapter out. Have a great day/night everyone!!

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