A trigger to the past

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The closed eyes of five-year-old Dipper Pines. Dipper opens one eye, then the other to find a wondrous, magical candle rippling with firelight magic.

"This is where our magic comes from?" Stanford looks down smiling, "Mm-hmm, this candle holds the magic given to the zodiacs." Dipper looks at Ford. "How did we get the candle?"

Ford pulls Dipper onto his lap and the light of the candle grows. As Dipper speaks, a young man, along with another, and two babies are shown. The candle burns brightly nearby.

"Long ago, when your parents had pass. You and you're sister had just been born, your Grunkle Stan and I were forced to flee our home." Strong light grows outside Young Ford and Stan's window. Both look concerned.

Young Stan and Ford, holding the candle, leading a frightened group of displaced people. They struggle across a beautiful river.

"And though many joined us, hoping to find a new home... we could not escape the dangers... and your Grunkle Stan was lost."

The candle flickers and Stan looks back from where they came, troubled. Stan hands Ford the candle as he throws his arms out protectively as... marauders approach. As they advance, Stan vanishes into the wind in front of Ford, who collapses.

"But in our darkest moment... we were given... a miracle." As Ford cries, the candle bursts out into the making of a miracle, rooted deeply in magical realism. The candle blossoms with a magical intensity, banishing the darkness.

"The candle became a magical flame that could never go out and it blessed us with a refuge in which to live. A place of wonder.. an enchantment."

Around Ford, and the babies, and the displaced people, mountains rise, forming a protected valley. The candle shines brightly, enveloping Ford, its magic glows from the earth and a town grows around him.

"The miracle grew... and our house, our town itself, came alive to shelter us." The house and forest come to life, to the delight of the babies.

"And together the zodiac's gifts have made our new
home... a paradise." The wilderness transforms into paradise, the town and magic candle shining like a beacon.

Young Dipper stares in awe. Ford smiles at him, full of love. "Tonight, this candle will give you and your sister your gifts. Strengthen our community, strengthen our home. Make your family proud."

"Make my family proud." Dipper nods, solemn but bursting with pride. Ford beams. As fireworks explode, the magical House knocks a clock toward them, nudging that it's time to start the ceremony.

"Yes, yes, we're going." The house brings Dipper his shoes. He giggles, then helps Ford to the door, holding his hand, excited and nervous.

"What do you think my gift will be?" Ford bends down to Dipper, full of love and pride.

"You are a wonder, Dipper Pines. Whatever gift awaits, will be just as special as you." Dipper now standing in the courtyard as the curtain opens on his and Mable's gift ceremony.

As Dipper stares at his undulating door, full of wonder, its glittering magic blooms brighter and brighter.
Dipper now 20, hurries around his room in tight shots, the house tries to keep up. Dipper grabs a "self-decorated" shirt off a sewing table.

He jumps and as he lands, the house scrambles to put shoes under his feet. Barely made it! Dipper puts his hand on the doorknob and, he takes a breath like he's heading into battle.

"Make your family proud." The House conveys Dipper downstairs and he passes a portrait of Stanley Pines. "Morning, Grunkle Stan."

Three kids excitedly run up a path toward the zodiac house. It's like Christmas morning, anticipation building.

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