You found a Dark Cookies meeting.

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A portal appeared, but it looked different. You went in and spotted the Dark Cookies, so you hid.

Pomegranate Cookie: Before Dark Enchantress Cookie comes, we need to devise a new plan to-

You slightly moved but you also made a noise.

Licorice Cookie: Wait, what was that?!

Your POV: 

This isn't good...they will spot me...

"Stay there, I will check the surroundings..."

Pomegranate Cookie got up and started walking my way...


When she got close, you tried to run, but she spotted you.

Pomegranate Cookie: Stop right there! Who are you, and what are you doing here?

You: I'm...Y/n.

Pomegranate Cookie: Y/n Cookie? Strange name...

You: No, I'm...could I explain to your friends too?

Pomegranate Cookie: "Friends?" They are not my friends.

You: A-anyway, let me explain to them too...

You went over to the table.

You: My name is Y/n, just Y/n. I'm actually from another world...have you not heard of it from Gingerbrave?

Poison Mushroom Cookie: friend?...Want a shroomie?

You: Uh...sure...

You: Anyway, as I was saying...

Licorice Cookie: Yeah, we got all that.

You: O-okay. So...what are you doing?

Pomegranate Cookie: Making a plan to steal the last Soul Jam we can get.

You: I see...I'll just move over on the side so I won't disturb you...

You waited after they finished planning.

Pomegranate Cookie: You two continue. I will go check with the Cake Hounds.

You: Wait! Can I come with you?

Pomegranate Cookie: ...Fine. You aren't much of a headache anyway.

You: Yay!

After a few minutes, you find yourself at a REALLY TALL CAKE TOWER. 

It looks exactly like the Tower of Sweet Chaos in the game...

Pomegranate Cookie: Red Velvet Cookie, have you made new Cake Hounds?

Red Velvet Cookie: 5x more than before. I hope you're happy.

Pomegranate Cookie: No, this isn't enough. Make 10x more.

Red Velvet Cookie: Alright fine. It's your orders.

Red Velvet Cookie: Wait, who's this?

You: I'm Y/n, from another world.

You: Uh oh, I gotta go now.

Red Velvet Cookie: Oh, okay. We'll be here if you need us.

You: Okay, thanks, bye.

(DISCONTINUED) Totally normal, right? (Cookie Run Kingdom x reader)Where stories live. Discover now