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When I watch the news now, today, anymore... I wonder if people still know there's a reasonable way to say a thing without going into fiction. Like most "real" life has become. Today's normal would've been fiction in the 70's. And I don't think it's healthy for a mind to change that much in one lifetime?  I know my still living grandparents are just deer in the headlights. Hell, I'm the grandson and I'm no different. My children were raised into it that way since birth. There's nothing left in America except the shared awareness that anything might pop off at any given moment, any time, any where you  are, if it's right now? The time is always the can of peanut brittle with the springed worms in it. Cause of gangster rap. The saying goes you can't put the genie back in the bottle, but has anybody ever tried? Is there something else that could be done instead? To keep society from steadily turning more into free range prison cell blocks? I just think it matters what we talk about and if we just stop talking about gangster rap and gangsters and stop supporting them by buying there music, and talk about safe things only , only safe things will come to pass? Unfortunately after reading  this just now the truth came to me and I know what will cause the end of what we're seeing no end to currently that is only getting worse. It's whatever the kids think is cool... That's what directs life on planet earth. When being a villain and a sleeze bag  stop being trendy something else will be the new trend. An not until kids naturally change their tastes  will it ever happen. Telling them it's wrong and not to do it is like trying to hold back the tide. It can't be done. When children's opinions naturally swing to  violence isn't cool we will experience non-violence as part of everyday life once more. Like I remember people being in the small town I grew up in. Nobody would've dreamed of just attacking with the intent to kill. Then Gen X got enlightened by N.W.A. and everybody had to act like they did or you didn't fit in. And if you didn't fit in you got picked on by everybody acting like N.W.A. And that my friends is a historical account of how the bottom fell out. By someone who lived it. The rest is dilapidation and lack of maintenance. And disenfranchisement from a disconnection with reality. Which I believe the only literary comparison to is the great tribulation. But we're literally just waiting for it to get old that killing, robbing, raping, hating, beating, stabbing, shooting, will just be cool anymore. Because prime time told us it was so we couldn't chance going against it as kids who had to fit in at all cost and knew the inrush current Prime time declaring N.W.A the next big thing would mean as far as go along with it or be a victim of it. If I had to gauge what the breakdown was in the system that was supposed to care about whether it was a good or a bad idea to begin with... I'd say what happened that's to blame is a case of cooler heads not putting their foot down. And I'd say it's been a case of that run away at the bit ever since. Let me explain how we've gotten this far. There's supposed to be important people with authority that we trust to shield us from the evil that is available to be exposed to in this world. Because the idea of the good life use to mean going through it without being exposed to much evil. Before you become an armchair attorney who has to practice law before he has a pulse you have to be a human being an ask yourself plumb is this  a good idea? If it isn't you don't need a reason to do the  right thing your a citizen with constitutional rights the biggest of which is no one can take your constitutional rights away from you which leaves us collectively with the least mutually harmful way we can agree on which rises to the top. As long as people have inalienable rights first. Because gangster rap alienates me. And if I just plumb don't like it so  much cause it makes me feel sorta bad then that's gotta get listened to and heard. Because my rights are being violated by this stuff being allowed to be on the radio the public I have to interact with listens to. Because it's going to give them ideas. And it just doesn't take rocket science to figure out none of this ever should have been let been in the first place. We've fully transitioned from a country that identified itself as Americans to a country that identifies itself as gang boys'. That's what my Mexican (from Mexico) friend said they call them where he is from in mexico. Because where he is from is home town to the Bandito's biker gang. Mexican Hell's Angels. Real 1%ers.  He said they laugh and make jokes about their pants down low on their waists. And the way they talk and carry on, and act for no reason. Almost as if  they don't even know why they're doing it themselves but just to fit in? So we're a nation of gang boys'. And it just lingers like smoke in a casino. The air will never be clear again. The mother nature of man crossed the line into societal kill or be killed for the past 40 years and we've all dealt with it how we have. But now evil feels entitled and is even being represented by politics. We'e catered to it for so long it expects it's daily feedings of appease because it says it deserves it cause it says  it deserves it.  :(   Folks we've always known better. Weakness caused this. Strength is all that will put it back.  And then the inevitable outcome, that's being worked on trying to be forbidden, is that evil people will be unhappy they aren't allowed to be evil and get away with it. But, big point to remember... problem that let all this happen... cooler heads not putting their foot down. We need N.W.A to be kept off the radio next time it comes along in a different form. We never needed it in the first place, it did nothing but bad, Ice Cube himself admits it in an entire song he devoted to the subject titled "Gangsta rap made me do it". And I think he was feeling the heat. I  think  I hear a twinge of him putting his creative talents to work to cover his bases as far as liability goes. He sounds scared through the whole track that he's going to get blamed for something. But I really miss the greatest generation and the tone they set that our parents didn't follow. And the character and the leadership qualities that they just naturally put before any horsing around or non-seriousness about very serious things. For example, during their time it meant very much if somebody "said so". A  "say so" was an unchallengeable thing back then.  Now from the looks of things if there's anybody who's got a say so in govt it's AOC. We need Grown Men in charge who have say so's who have stoic discussions amongst themselves about which way to do what and they all need to agree when it's time for cooler heads to put their foot down!

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