The Kamen Rider Trio, The Unicorn, and....what is this feeling?

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I sighed as I yawned as I hopped off my bike, and leaned against it, waiting for Mirio.

'Why did Sir call us in so early? Is it due to the altercation yesterday?' I thought to myself, as i dug into my bag, to pull out my granola bar. I stood there, quietly munching, when Mirio came running down the sidewalk," Izuku!"

I smiled and nodded at him, finishing my bar," Morning, Mirio"

"You ready?"

"To find out why Sir called us in so early? Yes" I said, in a deadpan voice.

Mirio laughed as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and we walked inside. We climbed up the stairs, and saw Bubble Girl looking tired at her desk,"

Morning Awata-san, how are you today?"

"Tired, Izuku-kunnnnn" She whined. I laughed as she lay her head back down, seemingly falling asleep. I looked at Mirio, who was covering his mouth to hide the snickers. I rolled my eyes as I continued to Sir's Office.

I knocked, and a faint, 'Come in' was heard. I opened the door,"Good Morning sir, how ar-" I looked up and when I saw who was sitting infront of Sir, my mouth dropped.

"Shotaro-San! Phillip-San! Date-San!" I said with a smile, my tiredness seemingly forgotten.

Date-san turned around with a smile," Hey kid"

Shotaro and Phillip looked up and smiled as well, well Phillip's was smaller, " Hello Izuku, how have you been?" Shotaro asked.

"Wait, Izuku, you know these guys?" Mirio asked. I nodded, and stepped forward, allowing Mirio to close the door behind him.

"Let me introduce you to Shotaro Hidari, and his partner Phillip, the best Detective duo that work at the Narumi Detective Office in Futo" 

"I've never heard of the Narumi Detective Office.." Mirio muttered. I waved it off," Mirio, in the year that I've known you, there are still some things that you dont know. I'll explain everything, alright?" 

Mirio nodded and I turned to Date-san," And this is Date Akira, my dad's partner back in his heyday" I said. Date-san stood up, and stuck out his hand," Nice to meet you, kid. Nighteye told me all about you"

Mirio smiled and grabbed his hand," Nice to meet you! Though its suprising to see you so young" Mirio said

"Yes...I was wondering that as well.." Sir said, taking off his glasses, to look at the men.

Phillip sighed softly," We might tell them now, we need to get this over with" Philip said, looking at us. I rolled my eyes," Come on, Phillip, it's not often we get to meet up, you know?"

"Yeah, I know, kid.." he said, with a small smile.

I smirked as I stepped back to the open part of the office. Date-san did as well. Phillip sighed, staying where he was," I'm staying here, I'm not getting any bruises"

"And why would you-" Sir tried to ask, when Shotaro-san pulled out his DoubleDriver, and slapped it to his waist, the same driver appearing on Phillip's waist.

Shotaro pulled out what looked a black USB drive...and clicked it," Joker!" The USB stick announced. Phillip sat up, pulling out a green USB drive and clicked it,"Cyclone!" The USB announced.

I smirked, looking at Mirio and Sir, them having the most bewildered looks on their faces.

Phillip put his drive into the right side, where it promptly disappeared, and showed up on Shotaro's Driver. Phillip promptly fell back into his seat, unconcious," Sir! Phillip-San! Are you Alright?"

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