Chapter 4 - Two Problems

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Chapter 4
Two Problems

If Mia thought that was gonna be the end of that she was severely mistaken. Sometimes things work out the complete opposite as one wants.

Mia found that out the next day when she found two identical twins boys sitting right on her seat chatting away without a care in the world. Ignoring all the stares and murmurs.

So it wasn't a dream, the events of yesterday and the day before were not part of an elaborate dream her mind had decided to make up. Just what I needed. - Mia thought to herself

As soon as both boys saw Mia, Matt winked at her smirking Alex looking at his brother for a second before he rose up his hand waving lazily hello to her.

So instead of being a reasonable human being and reacting like a normal high school student when their seat were taken Mia found herself going towards an empty seat and planting herself there. Despite it not being her assigned seat, or the fact that Mia was now sitting in front row. Or that Mia had people also now staring at her oddly two sets of eyes felt heavier on her back than the rest.

What the hell was she supposed to do now!?! - she thought slightly panicky

Before long classes came and went, and lunchtime came around. Mia found Eliza straight away and latched herself to her like she was her saviour. She when straight into whatever topic came to mind making Eliza laugh despite how surprise she looked. It wasn't after a while that Mia brought that up.

"Hey Eli where were you yesterday? What happened to you?" Mia asked as she poked at her food looking to see her fork halt halfway to her mouth. Freezing completely, eyes wide.

"Oh yesterday remember that thing I told you I had to take care of after school?" Eliza said putting her fork down solely focused on Mia. Mia nodded confirming.

"Well it seemed I didn't properly finish it as I thought I did so I had to rush to fix it" Eliza said making Mia lean forward curious.

"But you didn't call or texted me saying you were leaving which is strange of you"

"I did tho!"

"No you didn't I checked my phone and tried to called you even but it when straight to voicemail in fact you didn't even call me back" Mia pushed making Eliza laugh eyes flickering all over the place and Mia knew she had hit a nerve. Eliza was lying

"There must have being something wrong with my connection, I'm sorry M you know I would have never left you like that if it wasn't an emergency" Eliza insisted

"Is that so?" Mia pushed thoughtfully making Eliza smile eyes finally focusing on Mia

"Yeah sorry" she shrug grabbing back her fork and biting her salad. Mia waited a while poking her food once more before she brought up her next topic

"So what was the emergency?" Mia asked making Eliza choke for a moment

"Wh--at?" Eliza stuttered making Mia smile a bit

"What was it? The emergency that you had to take care off?"

"Oh nothing really it was a false alarm. Don't mind it" she was hiding something and Mia was sure of it now.

Mia decided to drop it getting up to drop her food at the garbage can but suddenly she felt someone stand next to her surprising Mia.

Mia turn just in time to see Alex and Matt both grab her by the hand and leading her towards a table. Sitting Mia down. Mia looked around seeing Eliza staring, an odd expression passing through her features.

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