Piece By Piece

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'No! I've planned this for 13 years now, there is no way I will fail!' Holding on to the rose in her hands, she whispered with much intensity in her voice, 'At the hottest moment, I will take you down in the coldest way!' while crushing the blood red petals that used to belong to that rose she was holding. Her eyes were shining with fury and her lips quivered as she spoke.

'Cut' shouted the Director! 'Well done! It's a wrap for Lee Rael today, we will move on to the other scenes with CEO Kang and So Ra!'

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'Cut' shouted the Director! 'Well done! It's a wrap for Lee Rael today, we will move on to the other scenes with CEO Kang and So Ra!'

Yeaji thanks her co-stars and the director while saying her goodbyes.

Manager Ryu passes Yeaji her Starbucks tumbler but after a sip of the drink, she realised it was not her favourite drink, Iced Americano that she was drinking, but plain water. She looked up, initially irritated that her taste buds were not satisfied, but it gradually dawned on her that there can only be a certain someone who would tease her this way.

'He's here?' she wondered, narrowing her eyes as she scans around, looking for her favourite person.

There he was, wearing his usual black cap and casual attire, speaking to Sang Yeob at the back of the studio.

10 minutes ago...

'Hyung, pass me Yeaji's tumbler. She's been drinking too much coffee these days because of her filming schedule... her fans have been asking her to drink more water instead of caffeinated drinks! I'll go fill it up and come back soon!' Soo Hyun said to Manager Ryu and ran off to run the errand.

He came back into the studio and bumped into Sang Yeob who was surprised to see him.

'Yah Kim Soo Hyun! It's been a while since we last met! What brings you here? I didn't know Gold Medalist colleagues were so close with each other to even come visit their colleagues on set! Hey, isn't that Yeaji's tumbler? Eh ehhhh!' Sang Yeob broke into a sneaky, sly smile pointing at the object held in Soo Hyun's hand. He tried to hide the tumbler behind his back but it was too late, raising more suspicion from Sang Yeob. Soo Hyun signaled Manager Ryu to get the tumbler from him.

Sang Yeob continued to tease while showing a cheeky face. 'There is something going on between the two of you right? I remember Gold Medalist sending a coffee truck, that's pretty normal, but colleagues from the same agency coming on set? Unless...'

'Yah Hyung! Hyung!' Soo Hyun frantically tried to think of a topic, hoping to change the subject. 'I really enjoyed watching Sixth Sense! I mean the production crew coming up with those options... I, myself am fooled! I mean, like that episode that featured the ramen place that allowed customers to choose their ingredients by weight. Wow! I was so sure that place was real and was intending to go to that restaurant to try it. Who knew it was a fake place!' Soo Hyun rumbled on while speaking casually to Sang Yeob.

Seeing Yeaji walking towards them, Sang Yeob pat firmly on Soo Hyun's shoulder and whispered, 'Don't worry about this, it's safe with me. I know you will protect her fiercely and I have seen how your agency works differently to make sure she is protected from nasty Kmedia and Knetizens. She's a nice girl, treasure her! Or else Seo Eun-Pyeong will end up chasing after her! Here comes your girl with her tumbler...'

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