I love you. (BokuAka slight angst, fluffy short.)

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"BOKUTO-SAN WAIT." Akaashi tried to catch the attention of the crying grey-headed man "A-Akaashi I trusted y-you!" Bokuto fell to the ground weeping "Bokuto-san I told you not to put a piece of popcorn up your nose" Akaashi squatted next to the man sitting on his knees trying to block the other nostril then blowing hard. 

"AGAAAAASHI!" Bokuto cried out "I know Bo......we've gotta find a way to get it out I know baby.." Akaashi said motherly "OH WAIT!" Bokuto popped up running to the kitchen Akaashi following behind.

"Bokut- BOKUTO!" Akaashi ran over to Bokuto who was trying to use a knife to jab out the piece of popcorn and snatched the sharp metal blade from his hands. "DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" Akaashi's eyebrows furrowed "But Akaashiiii!~" Bokuto whined stomping his foot before he was off again running to their room where Bokuto was putting water up his nostrils.

"Oh god- Bokuto-" Akaashi tried to help him get the water out before Bokuto started thrashing around slightly "Hun what's wrong?" Akaashi stopped helping which only made the thrashing worse "AKAASHI I TRIED BREATHING THROUGH MY NOSE I CAN'T BREATHE AHHH!" Bokuto screeched "Why'd you even try to breathe?!" Akaashi tilted Bokuto's head down watching the water drip out. "I DON'T KNOW AKAASHI." Bokuto huffed before he winced in pain.

-After getting the water out and a soggy piece of popcorn out-

"Bokuto-san we should try to go to sleep it's  11:00 and you have practice in the morning." (Apparently it's 12:00 right now for them. we one hour ahead of them.)   "I know but my nose feels weird..." Bokuto whispered loud enough for Akaashi who was sitting on the bed to hear from the bathroom where Bokuto was looking up his nose. "Meh...TIME TO SLEEP AGAASHII!" Bokuto bolted to the bed scaring the poor latter. "Please don't do that Bo-san." Akaashi pulled the cover over both of them. 

"ALRIGHT AGAASHI!" Bokuto assured pulling Akaashi closer by the waist snuggling his head into the crook of Akaashi's neck. "Mhm.....Goodnight Kou-chan." Akaashi drifted into slumber with the warmth of his tall and smiling lover to comfort him. "Goodnight Kaashi-san" Bokuto fell asleep only to crack his eye back open in fear.

"Akaashi-kun...." Bokuto whispered earning a 'Hm?' in response. "Am I annoying?" Bokuto's voice cracked as he spoke "Bo....What?" Akaashi sat up turning on the lamp  looking at his boyfriend before widening his eyes at the tears that were running down his face. 

"A-Am I annoying? I know I'm weird and loud a-and obnoxious and sometimes a freak also my hair is weird....A-And Papa didn't like me that much.." He cried and cried until Akaashi pulled him by the shoulders forcing him to look over. "You are not annoying I wouldn't be with you either way if I knew, Your not weird everyone else is because they don't care, You maybe loud but your also soft and have the chubbiest cheeks on the top and bottom a person has ever seen, Your not obnoxious who ever told you that can go choke on goat shit, Your not a freak because if you are I am to, Your step-dad my had not liked you but I did and I always will also Bokuto. please you know how much everyone adores your hair." Akaashi was gasping for breathe at the end of his little speech. 

"S-So you s-still love me? Even though I'm a freak....?" Bokuto adjusted before Akaashi could speak. "Bo....I love you but I will beat the shit out of you if you call yourself a freak one more time." Akaashi growled back "Yeah t-thanks agaashi." Bokuto whispered pulling Akaashi closer closing the gap in between them as love and comfort filled them to the brim. "I will love you even through all of your emo phases, break downs, and morning breathing days." Bokuto chuckled at Akaashi's words "ALRIGHTY THEN! Lets sleep Agaashi!" Bokuto reached over and turned off the lamp before quickly pulling them under the covers where they cuddled (And cuddled only you nasties.)

-When Akaashi had thought Bokuto fell asleep-

"Bokuto Koutaro I love you so much...I can't wait to propose..." Akaashi whispered.

"I'm pretty sure Imma be the one proposing but either way I love you Akaashi Keiji." 

"I love you"

(700 words.)

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