Chapter 3

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Today had been a dry day, Ian really do much today except school and book appointments

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Today had been a dry day, Ian really do much today except school and book appointments

"DARSHAA" Nia yelled again today for the fifth time atp I'm finna get my name changed

"What?" I said in her doorway

"Chile I was just letting you know I'm leaving to boo house" She said which I nodded cause I really didn't care

"okay bye and love you" I said and she said the same leaving out the door

I texted this girl back that had asked if I can braid her hair I said yea

I got everything I needed and just waited on the to arrive at my crib, I heard a knock so I opened the door to be met with a pretty girl and k3 of course which I didn't know he was gone be hea

"hey, come in" I said while letting them in and closing the door behind me

"Tell ha, what you won't so I can get outta hea" K3 said being all rude and shit

"you don't have to be rude, but can you do box braids with beads at the end?" She asked

"of course, you had any color in mind or just plain black?" I asked her

"just plain black for today cause I don't wanna make my brother even madder" She said while I chuckled cause I remember the struggle

I got to doing her hair but her brother k3 got up and said he was leaving which made her sad but he paid me on his way out

"He always leaving me then don't come back and I have to get my boyfriend to come to get me" She said sighing and frustrated it sound like

I shook my head cause I didn't wanna get into all that cause it wasn't my business about her brother

35 minutes later

I finished her hair as for now she was waiting on k3 which he did exactly what she said he was going to do but soon we heard a knock so I opened the door to be met with a girl and k3

"Uhn uhn why she here k3, I thought you said we were picking up your sister?" the girl behind him asked

"We is, nie shut yo ass but Whea my sister?" he asked while I let her walk out and closed the door behind her cause ian have time for the other girl

I cleaned up my area and put everything back where I had it and went to my room and laid down to watch Netflix

Next day!

"you know what's crazy, how babies be so nice but once they hit the toddler stage they are wanting to beat any or everybody ass" Beetle Juice said while I chuckled

"And do" KT co-signed

"you good K3?" KT asked him

He nodded

I felt someone staring at me so I look up to see some new nigga looking at me so I mugged him while he did the same back to me

"dats Murda" Beetle Juice said while I nodded keeping it noted so I can remember

"Where yo sister go D?" KT asked me while I shrugged cause she was just here a minute ago

"MURDAAAAA YOUREEEE BACKKKK, I MISSED YOUUUUU" Some girl came running up in hea while I just watched from a distance

"Shawty if you don't get off his ass before he put a bullet in yo ass" Beetle Juice said while I laughed

"What's funny bitch?" Ole girl asked me

"Ima keep it a buck, you" I said while looking at her and shrugging

"Girl I'll whoop yo ass, don't play" She said while I nodded not caring whatsoever

"What's yo name?" I asked ha

"Narie, why hoe" She said while I nodded again cause she was bout to hit strike three

"Cause I would be careful what I say before someone mop yo ass on the floor" I said while she ran up on me and tried to hit me but I blocked that and started beating her ass till I can't no moe

"AYE D, GOT HANDS ON HER" I heard KT yelling

I got off the ole girl and seen her all busted up which made me smirk cause next time she won't try me like a weak bitch cause I'm not one of them

"We'll get ha" KT and K3 said while I nodded

I looked over and saw Murda just all up in his phone so I washed my hands and went to him

"Next time control yo hoes, ill appreciate it" I said while he just stared at me which was making me uncomfortable

"she wasn't my guh so I really don't care if you beat her ass" He said while I was shocked he spoke

"mhm alright, well yo quick fucks and allat keep em in line so I don't have to beat they ass for calling me a bitch or something else" I said while he nodded

Before you know it K3 walked in with the same girl when he came to get his sister so I just got back on my phone and minded my business

"Hey Murdaaa" Ole girl said while he mugged her

"don't be mugging my girl nigga, all she said was hey nigga" K3 said while Murda chuckled and left out the door

I got my ass up and left out too since he was leaving but came outside to see him with his hood on and sitting on the step so I sat beside him

"you good?" I asked him

"nah" He said lowly while I nodded

"you drove?" I asked while he nodded looking up and pointing to a Urus behind my car

damn dat shit clean!

"let me see yo phone" He said while I handed it to him

I saw him type something in then hand it back to me so we both stood up and left KT crib

I saw him type something in then hand it back to me so we both stood up and left KT crib

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