•Chapter 3•

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"Liam." The cashier spoke, giving you a small smile. "Liam? Nice name, suits you well." Deciding to give him a small compliment, since he probably never gets any, you did just that. Liam let out a small chuckle "Awh, thanks." The both of you smiled at each other.

You yawned, slowly having a wave of tiredness hit over you. (Do you say it like that- IDK I'M GERMAN OK PLZ 😭) Liam spoke up "Tired, hm?" You replied with a small nod. "Yeah, don't worry though, I was about to go home right now. If that wasn't obvious-" You said, clearly still holding the door handle. "Hmm...." The cashier thought for a moment.

"It's supposed to rain tomorrow...and knowing you, you'll probably come here again out of either boredom or pitty, right?" Liam rose a brow at you, questioning if you actually enjoyed staying here or if you just visited him because he's so lonely all the time.

To be honest, you were just going because you've started developing some new, strange feelings for the man. But obviously, you can't tell him that. If you do you're seriously just stupid. No one tells someone they like them so soon.

"Well, actually, I'm visiting cause it's pretty fun being around you. You have a certain vibe, yknow??" You replied, and he nodded in response "I see, so that means you're gonna come here again? Tomorrow?"

"Well, duh, first off there's nothing else to do in this town, second I just enjoy speaking to you." Shrugging, you opened the exit door, until Liam yelled out for you. "WAIT!-" Quickly realizing (realising? realizing? I honestly have no idea at the moment-) he raised his voice, he coughed, since the loud tone was unwanted. "I thought maybe you could stay here for the night?- Not to make it seem like I'm a creep!- It's just I don't want you possibly catching a cold because of the weather only because you want to visit me." He went back to his soft, monotone voice.

"Ah, hm.....Sure, why not" You closed the door again. "Great, that little kid probably won't be coming tomorrow, since it's gonna be raining, like I said. So, it'll be only me and you tomorrow, we can get to know each other better!" He actually sounded quite excited hanging out with you.

Maybe.......No, never, he probably just doesn't interact with people this often. Don't make it weird.

"Mhm, oh, also, I've been wondering. About that kid, why is he the only other person coming into the store except for me?" You sat down on the counter, now looking down at the worn out cashier.

"Ah, well, I dunno, people just don't come here, like, at all. The kid's basically the only reason I actually get money, if I'm being honest." He kept his head down as he spoke, making it somewhat muffled, but because he always speaks in such a clear tone, it wasn't difficult to figure out what he was saying.

"I see, so you must like the kid, hm?" You smiled "..............ehhhhh-" "Oh come on, what's wrong with them?" Crossing your arms, you waited for an answer, which came almost immediately. "They're annoying." Wow, really?? Jeez. "Well, they're still a kid though, can you really blame them?" Liam stayed silent for a bit "Well, no..-" "Exactly, so-" "BUT, they did egg my car."

"....Egg your car?-" "They bought an egg from me and threw it at my car." Sounding quite upset, you pat his shoulder "Hey, it's alright, they'll learn their lesson soon enough. Also, at least your car isn't egged now, that's an accomplishment, right?" Liam sighed, giving in "Alright, alright, I'll leave them be. ........they're still annoying though. You can't change my opinion on that."

"Fair enough" Hey, at least he doesn't hate the kid, right? Better than nothing. Liam was relieved that you weren't going to go full on Karen mode on him, though, from how much he knows about you now, you wouldn't do that. .....At least he hoped so.

"Well, anything else interesting happening here?" You were quite curious about how his day went, considering he literally works 24/7. "Boring, no one comes in here except for you and the child, but other than that, there's one plus. I can go on break whenever." Finally lifting his head up, he smiled as he looked at the clock which was now next to you. He pointed at it "That clock rings whenever it's break time for me, so basically, whenever the kid comes into the store, they don't come back, so I'll mostly be outside the store anyway."

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