Chapter 1

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           Lily POV

  My breath comes in shallow pants, as I bend over, my hands on my knees. I glace around fear filling every inch of my being, the dark yielding nothing, the trees warped and twisted around me. The forest in completely silent sending shivers down my spine.

            A crack sounds behind me sending me bolting, strangely I feel no exhaustion as I run as fast as I can, in an unknown direction. My hair doesn't move as the wind whips around me, no foliage is in my path, as I push myself to run faster.

            I can't help but feel the pursuer's breath on the back of my neck, even when I hear their light steps at least 20 yards behind me. 15 yards... 10... I know it's inevitable. I glance back to see what I'm running from like any idiot from a horror movie, I see a glimpse floating pair of green eyes... and I fall.

            I didn't just trip, I fell into darkness, flailing in open space trying to slow my decent to no avail. It feels like I fall for hours before I finally hit the ground in a crouch and look around seeing nothing. I back up until my back hits a wall and it dawns on me I must be in a cave.

            Terror is the only thing I feel as I know I don't have much time. As The fear starts to consume me a torch appears in my hand lighting the tunnels and paths I must choose from are lit. I choose the closest one and sprint down it knowing I didn't want to die.

            It doesn't take long before I hear someone chasing me again though the rhythm of their foot falls are somewhat different and farther away. I take different tunnels in a vain hope of throwing them off with no luck only the sense of them slowly gaining on me.

            It turns out it didn't matter if they were gaining on me as I enter a wide chasm that is a dead end. I run to the wall in search of a way out any way out, my fists pounding the walls in frustration and dread, the torch dropping to the ground.

            A grip of steal encircles my wrists pulling me back, stopping my self-mutilation, the fear so strong I have half a concern I might die of a heart attack. I'm pulled against a large chest and a gruff voice whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine. "Why do you run?"

            "Let me go!" I struggle trying to get him to release me, to get away, to be safe. I know tears are running down my cheeks but I can't stop them. It's all over. The fight leaves me.

            "It'll be over soon." He said quietly, and I turn to look my murderer in the face, my wrists still held impossibly tight, but not in a painful way. His hair was a very light blond, his cheek bones angled with a square jaw, and eyes that burned with the flame. No. Not literally red but a silvery grey color.

            "Who are you?" I whisper meekly. "What have I ever done to you?"

            "I'm-" A voice interrupts the image shattering into little pieces before my eyes.

Lily AnnaWhere stories live. Discover now