Chapter 4

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Lily POV

I open my front door, gazing around noticing my father sitting on the living room couch watching T.V. His clothes are a bit ruffled, and his tie is draped across the back of the couch signaling he had a long day, and probably just got home when he called me at Markus's. I haul my things inside as he notices me and starts to get up to help.

"I've got it Dad." I say plastering a stubborn smile on my face, breathing a little heavily. He eyes me wearily, unsure whether he should carry my things up to my room, or just let me handle it. "Seriously you've had a long day, wind down and relax."

"Okay. Come back down when you're done and watch a movie with me?" He asks an exhausted smile making his brown eyes crinkle around the edges.

            "Sure thing." I carry the extra paints, canvas, and my books to my room, and set the canvas up leaning against the window so it doesn't accidently get injured. I quickly change into some lazy clothes and go back down stairs, knowing my dad can be impatient, and start the movie he probably pirated from the internet without me.

            "Where's mom?" I ask plopping down on the couch beside him, noticing how ragged and tired he looked.

            "She had to work late tonight. Sophia isn't doing very well. She told me to tell you sorry." I grab the blanket on the back of the couch feeling a little cold. My mother was a P.C.A. Which meant that she went to people's houses who are usually dying and took care of them. What really made my mother amazing is she always went above and beyond. Instead of just checking in she's there for them every step of the way. She cleans there house, and cooks them meals, and even has bought cigarettes and alcohol for her dying patients when they asked her.

            Could she get in trouble for it? Yes. But her thoughts are if they're already dying then why can't they do what they enjoy? If they seek to do it on their own they can cause a lot more harm to themselves. No one has ever told on her. In fact she's one of the top P.C.A's in the company.

            "I'm glad she gets out of the house but sometimes I just wish her job wasn't so morbid." My dad wraps a tan arm around me and smiles perfectly white teeth.

            "It hurts her but she loves her job kiddo. Plus all that experience helps her take care of you." He kisses my temple and I feel tears starts to form in my eyes but I quickly get ahold of my emotions.

            "So..." I say trying to change the subject. "What movie did you get?" His smile turns into a boyish grin that makes me see why my mother fell in love with him.

            "Interstellar. Isn't that what you've been begging me to see?"

            "Really?" My earlier sleepiness washes away from my excitement.

            "Yep." He leans forward grabbing the x-box 360 controller, having already loaded the movie onto the flash drive.

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