ᴘᴜʀᴘʟᴇ-ᴇʏᴇᴅ ᴄᴀᴛ - ꜱʜᴏᴛᴏ x ᴠᴏx

235 8 3

-漫~*'¨¯¨'*·舞~                      ~舞*'¨¯¨'*·~漫-

Warning: None

Disturbed birds fluttered into the night sky as a battle broke out underneath the trees.

"I won't hesitate to slice your head off!" The demon slayer cried as he held his blade close. "Your not worthy to walk this sacred land! I-"

"You talk too much, fool!" An unnamed demon growled from across the pond. She glared at the demon slayer with unsheathed claws, a determined smirk across her face.
"You killed my siblings demon slayer, Shoto!" Extra venom spewed at the mention of his name.

The female demon twisted her hands and wriggled her fingers in the air. She began to mumble strange words the purple haired slayer could not make out.

Every inch of her face was sadistic. Her movements encouraged Shoto to quickly make a plan. 

He slid his hand into a small pocket on his vibrant purple jacket. A small pinky sized vile rested in his hand.
The liquid within didn't look very important but it was certainly something dangerous. He clutched it carefully as the demon launched herself across the pond, her eyes were as red as blood.

Shoto knew she was casting a spell, if only he understood the language!
Before she could land onto Shoto, the demon slayer evaded backwards and with all his might threw the vile directly at the female demon. Following a shatter was a boom of flames that engulfed the demon suddenly, like a match reaching a pool of gasoline.

She screamed and cried. She clawed at her face, scratching herself with stinging agony. She began to tumble backwards in fear he would throw more but before he could continue she slipped into pond behind her. 

Shoto sighed in relief, she's gone. He turned towards the forest, his nose pointing in the direction of his home. He didn't look back, no demon could survive magical flames as such. So he continued home mostly un-bothered.

As he passed through the woodland he began to feel his limbs turn to soggy noodles. His surroundings slowly swayed around him. The trees appeared...taller? And why was the grass so high..?
Shoto trudged for a few more minutes until he arrived home. Right before him stood a hut, but it was massive.

"I feel drunk, was it that spell? Did she have enough time to cast it?" Shoto pondered.
The purple haired boy brought his hands up to his face.


"I'm a fucking cat" Shoto said for probably the 50th time. He had noticed he donned a pair of cat paws. The fur was as dark as a raven's feathers. He had no source of reflection such as a mirror so it was assumption that he was a cat.

He sat in front of his hut for about an hour brainstorming what to do.
He couldn't use his magic, he couldn't even hold his swor-

"My sword! Oh my god! ...Dammit!" Shoto obviously couldn't carry it with him so it must've fell when he was transformed.

Feline Shoto stomped in the direction of the pond, his pink cat nose twitched in anger and..curiosity.

"Woah..I can smell really good!" His voice was quiet but excited. He pointed his nose into the sky and breathed in the soft smell of nighttime breeze.

"This is kinda nice.." He hummed.

"Ahhh! What the fuck!!" A pair of hands wrapped their way around feline Shoto's middle. "I will claw the shit outta you!"

"Quite a wonderful spell you've achieved there, Shoto" A smooth and familiar voice spoke.

"This isn't MY spell, Vox Akuma!" Shoto wriggled in his grip.

"Hey now, i'm just complimenting you. Why are you so hostile? I thought you loved me?" Vox playfully stuck his lip out.
Vox Akuma was a demon. His voice was powerful, like a siren. It was like a colorful flower, it was attractive. He loved to tease demon slayer Shoto. He knew very well that his voice flustered him.

"Damn you, Vox" Shoto gave in and stopped squirming.

"You're quite cute at a cat" Vox hummed. He turned Shoto to face him. "Huh, purple eyes. Very fitting"

Shoto rolled his eyes, he was frowning too but he didn't know if Vox would notice.

"Lets see, that is your hut I presume?" Vox smirked playfully. "Don't worry Shoto, I'll take care of you until this goes away. But you do need to explain to me how..it happened?"

"...it was a demon" Shoto mumbled.

"Hmm? I can't hear you, you're mewing"

"It was a demon! A female demon!?"

"Ah. I may know who you are speaking of. She has a bad habit of turning people into animals" Vox approached the wooden door of Shoto's hut. He opened it with ease despite Shoto having a lock on it. Shoto's jaw almost dropped. "Do I need to kill her for you?"

"No...she's dead" Shoto mumbled once again.

Vox Akuma and Shoto had encountered several times before. But..Vox was too much of a tease, it made Shoto lose focus.

Vox carefully set down Shoto on the floor. He extended his hand out to pet Shoto but...

"Don't touch me" Shoto hissed. "You can leave me alone, I'll figure this out myself!"

Vox sat down on a cushion, resting his chin in his palm.
Shoto pattered away toward his counter, where is potions and ingredients were shelved.

Within 5 minutes of searching back and forth, Shoto's purple eyes were closed and his soft purrs echoed.

Vox stayed there for sometime, admiring what Shoto's home had to offer. He was quite a decorator, and he was organized for the most part.
After roughly an hour the voice demon tip toed out the door, not leaving a trace that he was there.

Shoto eventually woke up from his slumber, ...or a cat nap, perhaps?

He shuffled into a sitting position. He checked his paws out of curiosity.. A smile creeped up when he saw they were human hands again. The same human hands he used to wield his sword.

"So the spell went away. How long was I asleep?" Shoto thought to himself.

He knew it wasn't a dream because he kinda woke up on the counter. He remembered Vox and quickly glanced over at the spot he was sitting at, gone.  But something had caught Shoto's eye at the front door of his hut. It was his sword in it's sheath, leaning against the wall with a fresh red flower wrapped around the hilt.

(Hope you enjoyed! Thank you for the request!)

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