02. Love hurts.

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"Terushima..?" You said as your voice cracked. You walked closer to your shared bedroom. Hearing sounds of moaning and the bed moving your stomach dropped. "TERUSHIMA" you screamed louder as you pushed open the door. By now your eyes were filled with tears. "Seriously? SERIOUSLY TERUSHIMA?" You asked as your voice got louder and louder.

"Y/n.." He said pulling up his boxers in a panic. "It's not what it looks like." He said softly as he walked up to you. "Oh really? It isn't? Then why the fuck do you have my best friend all up on your dick?" You said pushing him away. "Y/n. It is-" "Fuck you." you said as you walked over to the closet, you grabbed your bag and started packing your things.

"Oh, and Lana. Fuck you too." you said as you walked out of the apartment.

Sitting in your car you tried to calm yourself down taking deep breaths only seemed to make you more anxious and upset. *ringggg* You looked down to see Suna calling. "Hey, what's up-" you said as you sniffled a bit. "Y/n are you crying?" he said frantically "no- I'm jus-" "where are you?" "I'm fine, Rin it's alr-" "nah fuck that. I'm checking your location don't you dare move." He said ending the phone call. You felt yourself wanting to cry even more. "I-i-i what did I do wrong?" you said frantically trying to catch your breath from how much you were crying. 10 minutes had gone by before you heard a knock on your window although it felt like only 5 as you checked to see who it was you saw your black haired best friend standing outside of your door with his pj's on. He knocked on the window 2 more times before he spoke "Roll down the window doll" he said loud enough for you to hear "Where is he?" He asked. "I..inside" you said covering your mouth with the back of your hands. "Alright, Aran stay here with her." He said looking at his friend he brought along walking off. 

Suna's POV


"Get the fuck out here" I said standing in the middle of the living room. "Hurry up" I said kicking the island chair. "I SAID HURRY UP" I screamed even louder. Before I could make my way over to the bedroom and force him out a familiar face walked out of the bedroom. "Lana..?" I felt my voice break a little. Seeing her here made me feel even more enraged. "Suna- I-" "Save it. where is Terushima?" I said pushing past her into the bedroom. "He ran." She said pointing to the window. "fuck" I cursed under my breath.

Y/ns pov

"You good?" The unfamiliar man said as he walked over to the passenger seat. You could only nod in response. "Need anything?" you nodded once again. "I'm Aran, and you're L/n?" He said sitting in the passenger seat. "mhm" you hummed "I suck at comforting people, so I'll try my best" he chuckled to himself "oh, it's alright" you said as you felt your breathing start to steady.  "you're hella pretty you know that right?" he said as he fixed his gaze on your tear stained eyes. "I can't seem to take my eyes off of you" he said reaching his hand over to one of your braids blocking his view. You only looked back at him in confusion as he smiled softly at you. 10 minutes went by before you two saw Suna come out of the Apartment. "Aran, Drive her to our place." You could always tell when Suna was upset or pissed. But you've never seen him look this angry. "Ight" He said grabbing your keys from your hands softly shaking them as he got around and opened the door for you. "go ahead princess". he said smiling at you as he offered his hand out.

Aran's & Suna's dorm

"I'm gonna go in my room, don't bother me right now" Suna said descending into the hallway. "You wanna eat something?" Aran said grabbing your attention to him. "I'll cook you up something" He said as he flashed a big smile at you showing off his grillz. 45 mins went by before he came back with a bowl of rice and curry. "Thank you" you said quickly taking the bowl from his hands. "mhm"

The next morning.

You sat up looking around. You found yourself in an unfamiliar place. "Suna?" You said softly as you tried to recollect your thoughts, your head was pounding and your eyes were hella puffy from all the crying.. You got up and walked around to find Suna's shoes gone and Aran you found him sleeping on the couch? Aran had taken your phone to prevent you from contacting Terushima the night before he left it on the end table before he went to bed. As you looked at your phone which was sat up right on the table you saw It light up. "Teru❣ is calling" It read. Decline. You looked up to see Aran who was wide awake. He grabbed your phone and went to power it off but another call went through. You sat there in silence as he answered the phone call "Hello?" Aran said picking up. "What- Who the fuck is this? Where is Y/n?" Terushima said on the other line. "Don't worry about that, and who are you?" "Her boyfriend?" He said loudly. "Funny." Aran said before hanging up. "Block his number pretty girl." He said as he softly rubbed your cheek before walking away.

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