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The bus is full, it stank of b.o, absolutely nothing different than my usual journey, but nonetheless unbearable. I checked my phone, 7:46, the bus was slightly late but it gave me enough time to get to school.

I lived further away than most students, I got in on a scholarship, unlike the rest of those who attend Langley, I don't have to pay. Langley was in a nice area, mostly a school for rich tories and vamps ( honestly if I could, I'd comment on their political status, but I'm not entirely sure they participate in human politics. I think it's more a form of entertainment). Langley was a combined secondary school and 6th form, ages ranging from 11-18. I didn't join until after finishing secondary school, although I'd rather not be here, it offers me a better chance at life. If I can support myself without the help of others, I will do what is necessary.

I got off the bus, it didn't drop me off outside Langley, buses are considered lower class, so it wouldn't be allowed anywhere near Langley, but it gets close enough. I rush to the school gates, slightly out of breath. 8:03. I made it, 7 minutes to spare. I make a beeline to my form, aware that if I stick around for any longer than necessary, I'd  probably bump into someone I would rather not. The class is locked. I guess it's not quite time yet, sir probably isn't here yet. I lean against the wall next to the door, and scroll through my phone, desperately trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. "Hey, chubs"... oh. Crap. My eyes dart up, and Leon is in front of me. Human, yes, but an asshole regardless.
"What?" I retort. I know I probably shouldn't bother at all, but he knows I have no where to be right now.
He smirks, "I thought I told you to lose some weight? It's hard being in the same class as a pig...or have you forgotten where you are?". 
I don't know what he expects me to say, I stare at the ground. Leon grabs my face, and stares at me, before letting go. He chortles, before spitting at the ground near my feet; "If you're hungry, you can always eat that up".

The bell dings as class starts. Mr.Benth walks in, plopping the textbook down on his desk. Not everyone was here yet, but he wasn't exactly going to comment on that.
He's halfway through teaching by the time a small group walk into the class; I don't bother to look, instead I stare out the window, fully aware that each and every one of them would be acting smug, entirely aware that they can do what they want without being told off.
"Hey, looks like the commoner's still here" one of the girls snarks, the rest chuckling. Still, I refuse to turn around. The vampires, as evident, make it abundantly clear that they dislike the poor. Humans alone are lower class, but one's that don't have a tasteful palette and clean life are by far worse.
"Looks like she's ignoring us, Lila...how cute"
"Hey, welfie (A/N: short for welfare - a term used to describe someone who is likely on benefits and/or a scholarship), are you gonna listen?"
Once again, I ignore.
A hand appears on my desk, a guys hand for sure. I turn my eyes to see deep green eyes staring back into mine, a mouth curled at the corner, slightly exposing a fang. I wasn't necessarily sure who he was, or what he wanted, nor did I know why he wanted to get so close to me.
"You're supposed to obey us, you know?"
My face doesn't change at all, but I do respond.
"Oh? I didn't know. Thanks for keeping me up to date", it came off as dryly as I had hoped. And it clearly pissed him off. I wasn't sure why I was asking for trouble, I usually keep my head low. But something about this guy was irking me.
He smiles; "Are you trying to be funny? You fucking pest?"
I bite my tongue, I shouldn't have said anything in the first place. I need to remember my place.
"I'm talking to you, welfie."
Shut up Elisse. Don't say anything.
One of the girls pipes up, "Zach just leave her be; she a waste of your time. It's not even worth it to kill her, I bet her blood smells awful"
I take my eyes away from him, and back to the window; I'm not going to apologise, but I know I ought not to provoke him anymore.
I heard him scoff, before he moved his hand off my desk. "Yeh, yeh. I hear ya. Let's just sit down."

I wait for everyone to leave the class first, before I get up to walk to history; it's easier to leave last, in order to avoid mixing up with anyone. I thank Mr.Benth, before closing the door and leaving. G block wasn't too far, so I had enough time to go to the toilet. I slipped in and walked into a cubicle, the toilets were completely  empty. I was just about to flush when I heard the door squeak and 2 steps of feet coming in. A girl was giggling, and then I heard a male voice. "Your buttons are annoying to undo" he grunts. Shortly after, you hear a tiny squeal, and it clicks. He's feeding.
I flush the loo and walk out; the girls back is to me, but the boy is staring right at me. The same green eyes from earlier. He takes his mouth off the curve of her neck and smirks at me, blood rolling down his chin. He licks her neck, eyes still on me. I turn away, and wash my hands.
"Hey. Get out, I'm busy", the same voice too. It was definitely the guy.
I sigh, "I'm just washing my hands. Hold on."
A quick silence. Its obvious he's pulled his mouth away from her.
"Hold on? Do you not know who you're talking to? When I say get out, I mean get out..." he pauses, before realising. "Aaah, you're that bitch from earlier."
I look in the mirror in front of me, and I can see he's shoved her to the side. She looks miffed, it's as if she was enjoying it. Meanwhile, he's still staring at me.
"A fucking welfie like you should especially know your place in front of royalty."
My mouth stayed closed. I had nothing to say.
I turn the tap off and grab some tissue to dry my hands.
"Get out" he snaps.
I turn around, "I'm going now."
"No." He says. "Not you."
He turns to the girl next to him. "Get out."
She frowns... "But Zach...I thought we-"
He slaps her, her face flinching as he did so, "Thea, don't make me say it again. Get the fuck out."
She quickly runs out, doing up her buttons as she flees.
He wipes her blood off his mouth with his sleeve as he walks towards me.
"Oh. I'm gonna enjoy this."
Shit. I'm in trouble.

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