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"You're such a fu*king deadbeat! I'm sick of you." She's been screaming the same thing for twenty minutes, mad that Daddy won't give her his credit card. "Get out, Cree. Take all your stuff and leave, I don't care." A loud smack echoes all the way to my room and I know she hit him like she's done before.

"Rebecca, stop putting your hands on me." He's always calm, never raises his voice anymore. he doesn't want any issues with the cops, again.

One time, Mom called them and said he hit her and choked her. The cops came, pointing their guns at him. I'd never seen him so scared before. he kept telling them he didn't do anything, but they slammed him on the ground while Mom fake cried. They dragged him outside and shoved him int he police car, and he went to jail. He was gone for a week.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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