chapter one

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I grinned, gazing at the front of Hogwarts. I fixed my book bag, and started running up the steps. As I picked up the pace, I saw students crowd around the front door. Quickly glancing back, I saw small wooden boats in the water. Damn! I should've went on one instead of teleporting here, then maybe I'd already have a friend by now. Wait, I'm last! I then rushed up the stairs, desperate to not be the weird kid who's late in the first day. Or night. All the kids up ahead entered Hogwarts, I could hear their bustling voices. Come one, stubby legs!

Finally reaching the ginormous front door, I rapidly opened it, and followed the trail of slow students up to where an old gray-haired lady was speaking to the crowd.

"-You're house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup-"

McGonagall was cut off, as some brown haired kid yelled and lunged to the front towards a frog. I'm smart for squeezing myself to the front, this is where the entertainment is at!

Old lady glared down at frog kid. He apologized and went back to the middle of the crowd, as some students laughed. McGonagall kept on talking after that. I zoned out when she began talking again. This woman has the most un-soothing voice I've ever heard.

I shuffled a bit in the crowd, working myself toward the castle wall. There's a certain group of guys I want a closer look at. Specifically, Malfoy and his lackeys!

"Sorry! Oh- my bad! Terribly sorry guys! Can I just squeeze through here?" Social skills are not my forte. I'm more of an observer, always have been. Even before I was Abri Van Vugt. Now, onto the next generation Malfoy!

I leaned against the rough wall, putting a hand over my brown, tattered messenger bag. I moved my eyes back and forth between McGonagall and Malfoy a few times. If he doesn't get this hint, it's going to take awhile to approach him next. If he's anything like Lucius was, he'll be arrogant and cocky as hell. That doesn't matter right now, I just need to get a good look at the newest Malfoy.

Just as I was about to glance at McGonagall again, he caught my gaze. We stared at each other for a split second, then he proceeded to lash out at me or no reason.

"What're you looking at?" He half-shouted, and glared at me. I just rolled my eyes. That -of course- completely set him off. "HEY! DON'T YOU"

"Can it, Malfoy," I hated to interrupt what could've been the start of an enjoyable feud, but McGonagall's icy stare will never not scare me.

"Something to add, Malfoy and Vugt?" She sneered, cocking an eyebrow. Ho boy. I slowly raised my hand, and began speaking before she could deny my hand.

"Uh- it's Van Vugt, miss." Gosh, aren't I a golden child? I even added 'miss'. So respectful! I opened my eyes, which were squinted, and smiled. My smile was quite sheepish, though.

"You dare give me sass, young lady?!" Ahhh, shit. A few kids begun to laugh, as I laughed nervously and rubbed the back of my neck. I looked around the room, a ton of eyes on me. Including, the little Malfoy, who was laughing the hardest.

I should learn to just keep my mouth shut.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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