Chapter One

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Before I start, I just wanna say this:

This is a fan fiction and Moises Uriarte and Isaiah Ramsey are real people (Instagram @izabvb and @moises_uriarte YouTube @those idiot guys) so please no hate. They are really awesome guys who I love with all my heart. I love them more than I love Black Veil Brides and for those of you who know my work, you will know that that is a lot. I love them that much, I'm doing a Breaking Silence fan fiction

[the pic is Juniper]

Anyway, enjoy


Juniper's Point Of View

My door slams and I run, jumping on my bed and pulling my school bag with me. I hate it when my parents argue. We used to be such a happy family. A normal family. Now it seems like it's trying to tear itself apart.

It all started last summer when the new nabour, Mark, moved next door. My dad didn't like the fact that my mum wouldn't leave him alone. She'd always be over at his place for one reason or another and she's never be back till late. Of course, it's only natural for my dad to get suspicious. I mean, his wife for twenty years had no time for him and his daughter and became joint at the hip with another man she'd known five minutes.

One day, he decided to test the theory. What he did, to be honest, actually made me laugh a little bit. He put a condom in her back pocket to see if it would get used.

The rest of the day went by naturally. I went to school, my dad went to work, my mum ' stayed at home'. I came home to the house empty and waited for my dad to return. When he did, he looked at me knowingly and when about his business. He seemed perfectly fine. It's when my mum got home that everything went south.

The condom was no longer in the pocket he put it in. In fact, it wasn't in any pocket at all.

She claimed she knew nothing about it, but she couldn't keep still and when my mother fidgets, she had something to hide.

My dad lost his cool. Pulling my mother by her wrist -not violently but with enough force so that she'd follow him- we all went next door. I wasn't staying in the house, I wanted to hear it for myself.

A tear in his eye, he knocked on Mark's door. That's when the truth came out. My mum had lied to him as well. As far as he knew, I wasn't her daughters, and he wasn't her husband. My mum had told him that my dad was her brother and that I was her niece and we were living with her until we got back on our feet.

Our family has never been the same since that day.

My mum and dad don't sleep in the same bed, or even the same room in fact. We don't eat as a family and I hardly talk to my mum, when I do, it's really awkward.

Honestly, I don't what to talk to her. Why would I with what she did to the household. She committed adultery against my dad and denied having me for goodness sake! I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty unforgivable.

My parents never stop arguing, but I mean who can blame my dad for being pissed off and heart broken by his teenage love? She's torn this family to ruin.

Anyway, back to the present day. They're arguing again, just like any other day. I don't know why, but it feels different. Almost dangerous. Usually, I know how thet are going to pan out. They argue, things get heated, they scream and my mum goes out for a drink then I go downstairs and comfort my dad. Just today, that isn't seeming to happen.

They keep screaming louder and louder, screaming thinks they have never said to each other before in their whole life. I'm actually pretty shocked that one of them hasn't completely snapped.

To my relief, I find the shouting stops. The only thing is that it didn't die down. It just ended. I throw my legs over the side of my bed to see what's wrong and before j can open my door, it opens and my dad walks in and sits in my deck chair. Why I have a deck chair in my room, nobody can remember.

He looks up at me, shock filling his face, his mouth frozen in a grim line. He gestures for me to join him, so I do. I sit in front of him on the floor, waiting to receive the bad news that I know it going to come.

"It's happened Juniper. It's finally happened." He shakes his head, knowing I don't understand him fully. "Your mother and me, we're, well, how do I say this?" He closes his eyes as to clear his thoughts, but there isn't any point. I already know what he's going to say.

"It's okay dad." I place my hands on his to stop him from shaking. "You don't have to say it. I know." My voice sounds more steady then I feel. I always knew they were going to get a divorce. It was definite. It was only a matter of waiting for the day.

"Juniper, you don't understand do you?" I look at him, confused at hell. "Your mother owns the house. It's all in her name and he won't move so we can continue to live here. We have to move back to the house I inherited off my parents."

Then I understood. We have to move across the country. Away from everything I have ever known. I won't know the area, non of my friends will be there, I'll have to start all over again. So will my dad, he'll have to find work over there too, and work is really hard it come by these days.


"Tomorrow. Then the day after, I'll enroll you at the local school. Your best of packing up now, she wants us out by noon."

I can't believe she's doing this. My own mother throwing us out because of her mistake. It should be her leaving, not us.

My dad stands and excuses himself to sort out him things. I take that as a guide line that I need to do the same soon.

The door clicks shut and I stand, looking around my room, deciding what to do first. I was over to my docking station and turn my phone on shuffle.

I pull out the large suitcase I used a couple of years ago on our last vacation from it's home underneath my bed. The first things to get packed are my books. It's only a small collection. Animal Farm by George Orwell, Macbeth by Shakespeare, Will Grayson Will Grayson by John Green, The Fault In Our Stars and Paper Towns by John Green.

After putting them in the corner, I do the same with my impressive collection of albums. Then my spare strings and plectrums for my black Fender Jim Root Stratocaster and my black bodied, white neck Roger Waters Precision Bass.

When my more smaller things are sorted, I sling my school bag over my shoulders. When I'm happy with everything, I set aside an outfit and put my clothes in the suitcase too, my docking station wrapped in a sweatshirt.

"Dad?" I shout across the hall to get his attention. "Can you help me take my stuff down to the car?"

About five minutes later, he enters my room and looks round. I know exactly what he's thinking. He's spent twenty-one years in this house. I was born here, grew up here, spent my whole life here.

In an attempt to block his emotions -which he's usually pretty good at doing- he picks up the suitcase and walks down without saying a word. Something told me that if he spoke, he would have cried.

Feeling drained, I just take my jeans off and climb into bed with my long t-shirt on. I don't even notice when subconsciousness takes over.

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