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Hey, It's me. 
Now, I know there are gonna be some Hawks up in my face, yelling at me for leaving this fic empty and run dry. 
Also for deleting it out of the blue with no prior to warning whatsoever. 

Yeah... Sorry about that

It's just that when I made this book I didn't expect so many people to be interested in it. 
So, I kinda put it off. 
And I was overwhelmed with burnout, writer's block, etc.
Look I know this doesn't excuse the amount of people I may have disappointed or the number of hearts I shattered when I let them all down.

(and very unceremoniously I might add)

But now I'm going to make it up to you all and re-update and post on this book too! 

I hope this will make up for lost time! 
Thank you all so much, I'll do my best to be a better writer for all of you. 

I promise. 

So, in the mean time, drink some water, hug your parents/guardians, don't forget to go and touch some grass, and...
I'll see you all in the next chapter. 

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