Untitled Part 1

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Sirius was bored.

No, Sirius didn 't want to be there , seeing the spawn of Lucifer and that-woman-he-dare-not-name.

Particularly after telling Regulus precisely that in those exact words, only to be on the receiving end of one of Regulus ' silent glares.

Regulus, who 'd not uttered a single word since he'd taken guardianship of his younger brother, that haunted look in his younger brother's eyes making the silence even creepier. It was a silent glare to tell him that the wording was inappropriate, although Sirius would like to think that Regulus indeed shared his sentiments regarding the visit.

That was until—

They 'd been standing there, waiting with Lucius Malfoy for Narcissa to bring in the spawn of evil, with Regulus staring off into space with his hands tucked behind his back like a proper Pureblood he was expected to be while looking just as bored as Sirius was when Narcissa came in. "Here he is."

It was like magic, watching Regulus turn his head. The younger Black 's eyes lit up with excitement at seeing the idgit in Narcissa's arms. And in that exact moment, Regulus let his hands drop and brought them upfront with the fingers of his hands opening and closing much as Regulus did when they were very young, a habit their mother broke him of, or perhaps Walburga Black broke Regulus.

It was honestly worth seeing the look of shock on Lucius ' face as Regulus let out a sound of utter excitement that was definitely inappropriate for a Pureblood. "A baby!"

"Um. Yes. I told as much," Sirius said. And then it registered that Regulus had, in fact, said something. That he had, in fact, broken that strange vow of silence in the exact moment that haunted look in his eyes shattered, and all because of a baby. It was at that moment he saw Regulus hurry over, doing that very thing he always did when he was younger, while Narcissa looked on in bemusement at Regulus' actions.

When Regulus arrived in front of Narcissa, there was another sound of excitement from him as well as him continuing those movements of utter excitement as he looked down at the spawn—

"He's adorable!" Regulus said.

"Okay. I do have to admit that is true."

"As cute as a button!"

Narcissa continued to smile at the antics of the youngest Black. "Would you like to hold him, Reggie?"

"Can I?" Regulus looked at Narcissa as if she were pulling his leg. "Can I really?"

"Of course, you can. Hold out your arms," Narcissa said.

And Sirius was amused, seeing Narcissa actually act like a mother, something he didn 't remember their own ever doing as she instructed Regulus on how to hold the tiny infant, which Regulus instantly snuggled in close as he practically cooed over the small thing. And then—

"He smells nice."

"Regulus!" Sirius blurted out, suddenly realizing there was a substantial cost to Regulus, now opening his mouth. A part of him said, "Regulus would have always said something strange like that," while a part of him thought, "But mother broke him of that habit. Of saying strange things. So he simply—well, he didn't talk, so..."

"But he does smell like sunshine, Sirius!" Regulus protested before turning to their cousin. "Do all babies smell like sunshine, Cissy? Did I?"

Lucius had placed a palm to his forehead, holding his drink steady while saying nothing of the embarrassment of one of Cissy 's relatives asking if babies smelled like sunshine as his wife contemplated Regulus' question. Sirius didn't have to think much about that question. "I guess Death Eaters like eating babies because they smell like sunshine?"

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