Untitled Part 1

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The first half of season 2 of Dino Fury is out and it's...alright. The only thing I'm glad is that we got 2 Javi focus episodes and they both relate to music! YAY! hearing Chance sing on PR again was amazing! Can't wait to see the second half of S2!

"Hey Izzy? Will Javi be alright on his own?" Amelia asked her friend as they walked to Buzzblast, it had been 3 days since Javi's kidnapping and other than a few nightmares, Javi was mostly fine and recovering, the perks and downsides of living in a small community was that the news of Javi getting injured during the Sporix attack had spread fast, luckily Jane was quick to give him time off

"Yeah, he'll be fine. I think. I'm not sure, he's usually a lot quieter around this time of the year" Izzy said as they arrived where their friends were waiting

"how come?"

"because around this time, his mom and dad were finalizing their divorce and were fighting for custody over him"

"But...didn't Javi get a say in the agreement?" Ollie asked, his dad used to be a lawyer before he left and a few of his cases detailed child custody when their parents divorced.

"no, they always tuned him out during their fights. There was often a lot of shouting and loud noises. he doesn't really talk about it much, it's part of the reason why Javi doesn't like fighting"

"so what is Javi doing?" Amelia asked

"he's watching Victorious on his computer"

"I remember that show, I never watched it though. Too much singing and dancing for me" Ollie said screwing up his face and Amelia nodded in agreement

"hey, guys!" Zayto greeted them and Ayion waved,

"hey, guys!" Amelia greeted them, when suddenly a large crowd of Hendgemen appeared

"Woah, what's with the Hengemen? Are there any Sporix beasts around?" Ollie asked as they got into a fighting stance

"no, Void Knight and Boomtower are nowhere to be seen either," Amelia said, looking around

"that's suspicious" Izyy growled as the Hengemen began to attack a few buildings and people ran out to get to safety

"Izzy, go hide" Zayto ordered Izzy and she nodded, they decided to say that both the green and black rangers were on a 'top secret' mission and therefore would not be participating in battles for a while "its morphin' time!" Zayto called out once

"DINO FURY KEY! ACTIVATE! LINK TO MORPHIN GRID!" all 4 rangers morphed in a flash of red, blue, pink and gold before charging at the Hengemen

"there has to be a reason for Void Knight sending these guys without a Sporix beast!" Ollire grunted as he slashed at the Hengemen with his saber

"yeah, but what?" Amelia asked as she jumped over a group of Hengemen all holding sheilds and attacked them from behind

"not sure, but be on your guard" Zayto wared them, just as Ayion ran to the bad guys and acted as a battling ram, knocking them over laughing

"hey Ayion! Focus!" Ollie yelled at him, blocking an attack

"relax Ollie, I'm just having some fun!" Ayion said and blasted two Hendgemenwhen suddenly a group of Hengemen appeared out of nowhere taking Ayoin by surprise


"Ayion!" Zayto called and used the speed dino key and slashed the Hengemen surrounding Ayion

"good job Zayto!" Amelia cheered as she ran up

"yeah, it wouldn't have been nesscary if some of us were taking this seriously" Ollie said and Ayion could practically see the eye roll

"give him a break Ollie" Amelia said and dragged him away, Zayto watched them leaving before demorphing and turning to his friend

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