Chapter Three

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Natasha watched Etienne swoop around the kitchen, fluidly transferring different bowls, plates, and pans around the counters. The tower was quiet everywhere except the kitchen, but even there it was only interrupted by Etienne's music, which was kept low.

Steve had gone for a run, dragging Clint, Maria, and Thor along with him. Tony had not yet woken up from the Odinsleep, but everyone had followed Etienne's lead, and she hadn't seemed worried yet. Etienne wasn't sure whether Bruce hadn't awoken from regular sleep yet or if he was in a lab, but didn't ask either.

"You don't have to make everyone breakfast." Natasha commented.

"I don't cook often anymore, it's a bit of a refresher."

After Etienne had been settled in a room the idea for a board game had come up. The group had settled on Monopoly, and snacks were brought out. They settled into four teams. Etienne had played music on her phone, but it was drowned out by laughter and yelling. Etienne and Natasha had won, without much resistance from the other teams. The night later lead into the night as conversations continued and bragging rights eventually had to be revoked.

Pepper and Jane walked into the room, chatting softly. Etienne placed a coffee cup in each of their hands, talking over their protests and telling them it would go to waste if they didn't drink it. The two sat down at the table next to Natasha and took a few sips of their coffees.

"So, Etienne. In your opinion, who's the hottest Avenger?" Jane smoothly asked.

Natasha smiled, rolling her eyes to indicate she wasn't a part of this. It was a game that Pepper and Jane played often with Natasha, mostly because she wouldn't say who. Etienne slowed down as she finished up a batch of eggs, looking thoughtful.

"Definitely Natasha." Etienne replied, moving four plates over to the table and sitting down.

Pepper and Jane looked shocked, but Natasha and Etienne simply exchanged high-fived while staring the two other women down. As if this had been some secret they had shared for a time.

"So, are you..."

Pepper didn't want to seem rude or put words into Etienne's mouth, so instead trailed off and gestured for Etienne to finish the sentence.

"I'm pansexual"

"So you putting Tony into an Odinsleep, or whatever, wasn't because-"

"Nah, Tony was just being a dick. I can't stand people who make fun of things they know nothing about."

Etienne shoved a large amount of eggs in her mouth. The three let the music fill the space until everyone else filed into the kitchen. Bruce filed in last, and the rest of the Avengers helped themselves to the remaining eggs and bacon, joining the four women at the table.

Thor began chatting quietly chatting with Jane, and Pepper with Bruce.

"Anybody up for sparring today?" Steve asked between bites.

"Jeez, you just went for a run and now you're talking about doing more training?" Etienne wrinkled her nose. "What kind of health kick world do you live in?"

There were a few mutters and grunts of agreement from around the table.

"He's like this all the time." Clint jumped in. "Run in the morning, train in the afternoon, eat healthy all day. As if he doesn't have enough muscle there."

"I'm sorry I can't play video games for 36 hours straight like you." Steve shot back, smiling a little even as he said it.

"That's all right, Cap. It's a skill." Clint clapped Steve on the back as he stood up. "But I'll come train if the newbie does."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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