Why I Write Songs ( Prologue )

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hi there! my name is clara and welcome to my songbook!

the first song that i ever wrote was called 'another life' and it was inspired by katy perry's 'the one that got away'. this was in the last year of elementary ( 6th grade ) and i was 11. i recall one of my cousin's friends snatched my notebook and started to read it to herself. she asked what it was and i just told her it was a poem. i mean, it wasn't, but i didn't know how to explain it. i was honestly embarrassed that someone just read something of mine. 

the second song i ever wrote was called 'my own world' and it was inspired by gwen stefani's 'the sweet escape'. i was too 11 and didn't even bother writing it on literal paper. it wasn't meant to be taken seriously in the first place lol. i wrote it down in those boards that erase with that little lever. i really don't know what you call it *sob* 

it would be a while until i wrote another song again *dun dun* OKAY, MAYBE NOT THAT LONG.

so the following year i begun to attend middle school and you know how different that is compared to elementary. a little too different- 

in the 7th grade sOmEoNe KiNdA cAuGhT mY eYe *cringe* and i found myself writing songs about him *more cringe*

i was inspired by taylor swift's reputation album and her lyrics from songs such as 'getaway car' and 'delicate'. i studied her songwriting from reputation, learned them and sung them. i truly was reputation obsessed. 

i thank taylor swift for my true start in songwriting <3 I LOVE YOU MY MUSICAL MOM!

so during the 7th grade you can say my songs focused on love and heartbreak. back then it was an equal amount of both, unlike now *cough*. sadly, i tossed a lot of those in the trash for personal reasons because i couldn't have any trace of that lying around. same with the cringy diary entries.

i swear, 12 year old me was so naive and thought i'd get some perfect fantasy like i read in fanfics *facepalm* i'm older now, i know better- it was always 'if only' and 'one more time'. literally. those were some of the songs titles. there was also 'stars' and other shit i can't directly remember at the moment. 

AH NO, NOT BACK TO YOU BY SELENA GOMEZ PLAYING RN ( that song came out when i was in the 7th grade and it so reminds me of him hehe ) 

ok, so yeah, the early age of my songwriting. THE 7TH GRADE EVERYBODY ✨✨✨

moving onto early 2020 and quarantine: by then i had already been constantly songwriting for about a year now. my lyrics hadn't yet evolved, nor the concepts. only thing that did was the fact that i had gotten over him. hold up-

THAT CHANGED EVERYTHING BECAUSE . . . what did i write about after that? i couldn't possibly continue writing about someone i didn't give a damn about anymore, right?

YES, THAT'S RIGHT. so what the hell did i write about? oh, anything really. instead of basing love and heartbreak songs off about someone existing, i instead took my songwriting to the next level and told stories with it. this was actually a bit before folklore was released :)

at first, i became inspired by camila cabello's romance album. i guess that's why it's still my favorite of her's even after 'familia' s release. so much nostalgia ✨other albums i listened to a lot during the first month of quarantine were selena gomez's rare and taylor swift's lover and reputation. 

let's rewind a bit back to early 2020, before quarantine. january 8th is when i first published a songbook with my original songs. i called it 'my own world' because back then that appealed to me as a good album title. i only published 10 songs throughout the time the book was published.

those songs included 'final goodbyes' which was about me feeling unwilling to move on at the thought of parting from my middle school friends. this song was written 2 months before i was aware of lockdown, so ironically i lived the literal lyrics later on. in a way, i predicted the future.

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