삼십팔(38): Headache

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DAY 76


"Woah! That building is so tall!" My drunk wife exclaimed and clapped her hands in amusement.

She's been doing that since we got inside of the car. 

"Oh my Jisoos! Who are you?Where are you going to take me?!" She shouted, and there was a hint of fear in her voice, then she looked at me accusingly. "This is a kidnapping!"

"I'm your wife, Lalisa." I told her and she gasped.

"What?! My kidnapper is my wife!" Her mouth was agape and she examined me from head to toe. "Well, I don't mind. You're pretty, sexy, and hot. You can do whatever you want to me, my wife"

She winked at me.

Drunk Lisa was way different to the sober Lisa.

We arrived at our house, and I helped her to go inside. Her right arm was on my shoulder and my left arm was around her waist, supporting her body so she wouldn't fall.

She was humming a random song and even snapping her fingers as we walked to our bedroom.

"I'm not drunk." She suddenly said

"Yeah, you are not." I replied.

"Right? But, why do I feel like I'm drunk? " She asked, her eyebrow furrowed.

"I don't know, did you drink?" She stopped in her tracks, which made me stop as well, and she suddenly hugged me.

"I think I did." She whispered. "But you should keep it secret. I don't want my wife to know it and I didn't tell her that I would be hanging with my friends tonight."

"I will keep it a secret. Don't worry." I patted her back and pulled away from the hug.

When we arrived in our bedroom, I laid her in the bed and removed her shoes. She was just staring at me as I took care of her, then a tear went out from her right eye.

"Nini genuinely cares and loves me." She uttered

"Yes, she is." I smiled softly at her.

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