💖Starker🕸️ love story 👨‍❤️‍👨

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This is a short story about Tony stark falling in love with Peter Parker romantically.
But it won't be because of anything romantic. It will be something much, much more...

So here it is.
The beginning and the end.
Because if there was one thing that could make this short story more realistic, it would be an actual relationship between Tony Stark and Peter Parker.

Because Tony Stark fell in love with a literal superhero and has been pining for him ever since then. And as cliché, as it sounds... he really wants to spend time with the kid. To get to know him better. Maybe even take him on a date. Or three. A lot. Yeah, five. He doesn't care. He'll go crazy. But what matters most to him right now is that he gets to do all of those things. Because he loves Peter Parker so freaking much.

It all started when he was fifteen years old. Tony had been living in New York City at the time, working at Stark Industries. After graduating from MIT, he moved across the country to start his own company, which he named Avengers.

There were still problems with the new Accords, so he worked on building some kind of government control system. And that's how he met Peter. He'd already been introduced to Thor by then, but he had never actually talked to him before.

The moment Tony laid his eyes on Peter he got turned on, to put it lightly. When he saw him that day, sitting next to Steve Rogers in the briefing room, he couldn't help himself. The boy was absolutely perfect. He had the perfect curly hair and big brown eyes that shimmered with happiness, and he had these adorable dimples when he smiled. His voice was high pitched and melodic, and he had the cutest smile he'd ever seen.

Tony wasn't blind. He knew the kid liked him too. The way he looked at him and when he stutters and blushes in front of him he knows it, the look on his face is a dead give away when they were alone.

The way he would get all red with a blush and try to hide or run from him.
It was cute in a way to be honest. He couldn't quite pin point exactly why though, but he liked watching him. It gave him some sort of feeling, he thought maybe that was what being in love felt like.
So why did he feel like his heart would explode every time they crossed paths? That was a question that remained unanswered for years.

Then one night, during a training mission in Afghanistan, Peter saved his life. Tony had made the mistake of not to shoot at someone who was trying to kill him. They managed to escape together and found a small house, hidden behind trees.

Once inside, Peter pulled out a first aid kit and handed it to Tony.

"You're bleeding!" He exclaimed. "I'll get bandages."

Tony didn't know how to respond to Peter's words, so he sat silently watching as the boy rummaged through the kit looking for what he needed. His heart fluttered.

"Thank you, kid," he murmured after a while.

"I'm sorry you got hurt."
Peter turned back to face him, his cheeks flushed red.

He smiled "It's ok"

"No problem, Mr Stark," He showed his soft baby smile.

Tony felt warmth spread throughout his body.
'This kid is going to be the death of me' He thought.

"How about you call me Tony instead? You don't have to be so formal around me." said Tony.

Peter's eyes lit up. "Okay... Tony." His smile widened, and Tony couldn't stop staring.

He was just so fucking adorable.

"Here," He said, holding out some bandage roll. "Take this." He nodded and took it, wrapping it around his thigh.

"Thanks again, Pete." Tony said looking over the pretty boy.

Peter looked surprised.

"You call me Pete.. we're friends, are we?"

Something inside Tony snapped.

"Are we friends, Pete?" He asked softly.

He reached out and cupped the side of the boy's face, tilting it up so their eyes met. "Are we friends, kiddo?"

Peter swallowed hard. "Y - yes. Yes, we are. Friends, I mean."

Tony let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. "Good. Good. Because friends are allowed to touch each other without getting shy,"

Peter's eyes widened and he shook his head. "Mr Stark, I didn't - I uh- "

Tony laughed and leaned closer. "Don't worry about it, Pete," Tony interrupted, leaning forward. "Just... promise me you won't run away."

He watched the boy bite his lip nervously, clearly not sure how to answer. Tony could see his resolve crumbling, but Peter nodded anyway.

"Promise me" He whispered.

"I promise," Peter replied looking up at him.

Tony leaned forward and pressed his lips against Peter's. He kissed him gently, slowly, savouring the feeling of the boy's soft lips against his own. He pulled away and rested his forehead against Peter's.

"I love you, Pete." He finally confessed.

"Mr Sta- ah..." Petter stutters.

"Shh, I know you feel the same Pete, I know it from a very long time. Just say it, say you love me, pete." Tony whispered huskily.

"I- I love you too Mr. stark"

Peter stammered as he was blushing hard, he couldn't believe Tony stark fell for him. And that was the beginning of everything.

The end~



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