After Dark

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Louis's P.O.V
I can't believe it's finally here! The last day of school, it feels like this school year has been extra long. I finally hear the last bell and just like that it's over summers here! The whole school was trying to push their way out the double doors in the front of the school. I just stood back and waited until the crowed died down. SHIT, who just pushed me! I stood up and looked over and saw Zack my 18 year old brother with his group of misfit looking friend who looked straight out of a heavy metal band. Covered in tattoos and piercing. But one stood out to me, the one with the bright green eyes and the brown curly hair. He stood by Niall and Zayn with a slight smirk plastered on his lips. He looked like he would be a total jerk but there was just something about him. Zack finally said something to me it was a simple "mom and dad are out of town so I'm going to a graduation party and if you tell its only going to be bad for you. So just stay in your room and shut up." I was already use to the way he talked to me so it didn't really faze me anymore. "Ok" was all I replied. I walked the short walk home and when I got there Zack and his group of friend which included Niall who had blond hair and blue eyes, Zayn who had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, but there was one that I've never seen before. He had light brown hair and puppy dog eyes, he was very intimidating looking. I asked Zack who he was and he said his name is Liam and he's new here, then he turned and told me to go to my room. He's isn't my mother and I was hungry so I headed into the kitchen, and there he was, the boy from earlier with the green eyes and the curly brown hair. "What are you doing here" I ask not really caring if I sound rude. "It looks like I'm getting a beer doesn't it?" He played that same stupid smirk from earlier. I was about to say something when he started talking again, "You realize that you've been staring for a quite long time so I'm going to assume you like what you see, and if I'm right I'm also going to assume you like me, and you look quite "mature" for a 17 year old, so before this party I'm going to take you out and you're not going to tell you brother or anyone for that matter until I say so. Sound good?" I was in such shock that I had no idea what to say. I just stood there with my mouth open like a compete fool. "And just so you know it wasn't a question it was a fact so I'm going to be over at around 8:00 so just be up and ready." And with that he left. I run straight upstairs and started freaking out I didn't know what to do! I decided to call my best friend Hailey. I checked my pockets for my phone only to realize I left it in the kitchen. I walked quietly down stairs and into the kitchen and it wasn't there. I knew I put it there so I knew one of the boys took it. I walked into the living room and asked if anyone knows where it was. Zack looked at me and said "I told you to stay in your room and not talk." I hate him sometimes. "I just need my phone and I'll go back upstairs" I say with no emotion in my voice. I'm so done with his crap. Then the green eyed boy stood and said "oh is this it? I was just writing a little note for you on your NOTES." He handed my phone to me with a wicked looking smile. "Thanks" I mumbled and run back upstairs. I opened my phone to see a note that read "I never got a chance to introduce myself, I'm Harry and since you're going to be spending a lot of time with me I figured you should know my name;) and about the date just wear something casual in not in to all that fancy shit. Like I said before be ready by 8:00." I threw my phone on my bed only to here it buzz and see I got a text. It was from Harry! He must have got my number when he was looking at my phone. The text read "Liam like you and he's down here saying he wants to take u out hahah dumb ass he doesn't know yet that you're not available." Just as I was going to reply it buzzes again "but they all will know soon". I just stare dumbly at my phone when I here Zack call for me. I walk down stairs and he is by the front door. "I'm going to go get something for us to drink Niall is coming but the rest of the boys are staying so just don't come out of your room and stay quiet." I nod and walk back upstairs as I hear the front door slam shut. I was about to shut my door when I hear a voice from the living room say "Louis". I consider just ignoring it and going straight into my room but I figure I might as well go down. I stop at the entrance to the living room and just say "what". Liam speaks up and says "why don't you hang out here with us for a little while?" I'm about to deny and walk back to my room when I here Harry speak up, his tone is shape like he's mad and says "he's not into you Liam so stop trying to make him like you. He isn't like you at all. He's not a complete ass like you are so stop before I beat the shit out of you and trust me, we all know who will win that fight." All of us stare in shock not knowing what got into him. He walks past me and says "I'm going to get some fresh air and calm down". I look at Zayn because I know him the best out of everyone and he's the nicest, Liam walks into the kitchen and I go sit by Zayn. I ask what got into him, Zayn answers "I'm not sure to be honest. Liam was just talking about how pretty you were and how he wanted to take you out and Harry just started looking really pissed off and then Liam said I'm going to call him down and flirt with him and then ask him out. Harry kind of warned him by saying I think you better not but then he didn't listen and well you heard and saw the rest." I had no idea why he got so defensive. I don't even know the guy.

After Dark // Larry Stylinson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now