Break Even - Chapter 14

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Pacing the hallway with what seemed like the millionth time in Olly's house, daylight arrived and today was the day which was meant to be the happiest day of Olly's life. He hadn't had a wink of sleep since Ben had given him the news of their split. Ryan was stirring in his cot, and Olly went to check on him. The baby was babbling away to himself as Olly's face peered over, Ryan let out a huge grin "Come on then mate, let's get you up, changed and fed". Olly placed Ryan in his high chair and gave him some toast, and watched him as he fed himself and he was alone in his thoughts.

Nicky's phone rung early in the morning just as she was having the best sleep in a while, a weight had been lifted of her shoulders, sleepily she answered " hello?". She sat up in bed " don't worry I'll be round in half hour with Daisy, ill get it sorted, ill be about half an hour, it'll be ok I promise". She began to get herself dressed, and made her way to Leanne's parents house. After 10 minutes she arrives with Daisy in tow. "Hey Leanne, what's up?". " Oh Nicky, everything is going wrong, the wrong flowers come and the bridesmaid dresses they are too big". "Right Leanne, please don't worry you have a few hours before you get married, just leave it with me and everything will get sorted, you go and get yourself relaxed" Nicky replied. Nicky's phone rang just as she was about to phone the florists, she was in the room by herself, she picked it up after ruffling through the paperwork of all the suppliers. " Hey, er hello", she put down her papers. "Oh hey Olly, how's Ry? Did he sleep ok?". She paused not concentrating what he was saying, she was trying to keep her mind off her problems and keep herself busy. " Er, I can do, I'm a bit busy at the moment, got a couple of things that have cropped up with the wedding so am round Leanne's at the moment, ill try and be there before you leave for the church". With that she hung up the phone and carried on with her duties. She walked into the living area that the girls were getting ready in. "Right Leanne, the florists delivered the wrong flowers to the wrong wedding, they will be round soon with the correct ones". "And the bridesmaids?" Leanne asked. "We'll it turns out one of your bridesmaid's had took another one, and they got the, mixed up, don't worry it's all sorted babe". Nicky smiled. " Ok thanks Nicky, ill see you at the church then with Daisy. With that Nicky departed the house.

Olly was dressed in his casual wear awaiting Nicky's presence, he had made up his mind, for the first time in his life he was going to fight for what he wanted. His doorbell rang and he had a spring in his step, expecting Nicky with daisy he was disappointed to see his best man and ushers at the door. "Are you not dressed yet mate" his usher asked him. " Na not yet, but got plenty of time yet" Olly responded. " Well not really, you've got an hour" the best man replied. The men walked in and made themselves comfortable, Olly stood up looking out the window which gave a view of an empty road, every time a car had gone past he jumped a little. "You ok mate? You seem a little jumpy", " yeah, just expecting Nicky to come round and erm... Sort out Ryan for me". Time was pushing on, so he decided to get ready, putting on his grey morning suit and tie, if only he could do his tie the way Nicky did it in the shop, looking out of his bedroom window out of the street, there was still no Nicky. He needed to see her before making the biggest mistake of his life. He saw the wedding cars arrive 10 minutes early. " Mate, we've got to go now, you can meet Nicky in the church I'm sure and we've dressed Ryan so get a move on" he heard a male voice bellow from downstairs. "Here goes nothing" he said to himself, put on his fake smile and made his way downstairs.

Nicky bad luck went from bad to worse today. After coming home from Leanne's, she was stopped at every red light, Daisy had threw up all over her bridesmaids dress. She saw this as a sign, she didn't rush anymore, she packed up the remaining items of clothing into her suitcase for her trip away with the children. The taxi pulled up at the house as she shed her final tear. She wasn't dressed up, she was planning to go and get Ryan and go straight to the airport. They pulled up at Olly's house and had missed him by a matter of seconds, great, she thought to herself, she had to go to the church to pick him up where all the guests would be.

Olly waited in the church, slightly sweating and keeping Ryan amused. He greeted his family and friends as the time was getting ever nearer when Leanne was to arrive. He turned around to his mum, she whispered to him " no Nicky yet?". He shook his head. He looked up at the entrance and saw her, Nicky stood there with Daisy on her hip and dressed in her skinny jeans and tshirt. She looked over to Ben, who was sitting there alone and nodded to him. Olly had a confused look on his face. She walked down the aisle, slightly nervous, she took Olly aside. " Olly, I'm sorry I can't stay I did try you at your house, but I was too late". "What, what I don't understand Nic, why can't you stay?" Olly asked. " I've gotta taxi outside, I gotta take Ryan, ill explain when your back, but I have to go" she cried giving him a kiss goodbye. He was speechless, he didn't know what to say. " Have a wonderful day Olly, you deserve it" she finally said. She scooped Ryan up and began walking back up the aisle. Olly looked back wondering whether to fight, his face told a 1000 words, he was heartbroken. Leanne had arrived and saw the look of his face, Olly had seen Leanne and turned back towards the front, still hurting.

The music started indicating for Leanne to start walking towards her future husband, instead she refused to walk. Olly looked back and was puzzled. He walked towards the back of the church and asked for the bridesmaids to give them some privacy. "what's up Lea?" Olly said touching her face. "I should have known, your in love with her aren't you?". "What makes you say that?" He replied innocently. "I've ignored it all this time, now I've just seen that look you gave her when she walked out, it was the same look as you gave her when she was having the babies". " I'm sorry Leanne, I truly am, I'm sorry for lying to you but yeah I guess your right, I love her". "Then you should go be with her then shouldn't you" she admitted defeat. "I'm sorry" was all Olly could say. Ben made his way to where they were " Mate, just go for it, we will let the guests know, just go get her". " But I don't know where they will be.... Oh wait, ok". Olly told his mum and dad what had happened as they walked to the back of the church too. He used his wedding car to take him to his house to get some things. He tried calling Nicky, to tell her what happened but her phone was switched off, she didn't want to hear from anyone.

Olly jumped into a taxi that had arrived at his house, " to the airport please mate".

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