Chapter 10

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A plane carrying freight flew across through the clouds. In its cargo hold, Shira, Leo and Donnie sat together in a darkened corner, separated from Raph and Mikey by shipping boxes. Her sisters were in the far row. "Pretty high up here!" Manako said to her sisters. But however, it was quite hot inside.

"Aren't there supposed to be, like, pretty stewardesses handing out warm hand towels and stuff?" Mikey asked, who thinks that the girls are stewardesses.

"Not down here, Mikey. Not for us," Raph barked.

In the other row, Reika was already looking around. Her red eyes glitter around. She was seated crossed on an empty cage, fanning a magazine. From the further row of the plane, Manako and Tomoka are both sitting next to each other, looking at the window and then away from it.

"How many more years does little brother plan on hiding behind excuses like that?" Tomoka moaned, sweat pouring down her head from the heat. "He's not a kid anymore. He doesn't get a pass because he's the hero here."

"Oneechan, for real," Manako scoffed. "Donnie thinks he knows everything. He's just good around textbooks and other hacking skills which probably wasn't a good idea."

Donnie's forearm computer beeped, catching his attention. He checked it and his face took an expression of great urgency. "Oh, boy," Donnie murmured with a cough.

"Is something wrong, Dondon?" asked Tomoka.

"Bebop, Snake Eyes and Rocksteady are en route back to New York," Donnie spoke.

"What?" yelp Leo. That irked him. Shira gently woke up and stretched her wings. She just happened to be sleeping since last night. Donnie continued speaking.

"They must have already retrieved the last piece they needed to open the portal."

Leo studied the hologram projected from the computer. "Looks like our plane's about to cross over theirs, right?"

"Yeah," Donnie said, "with a three thousand -foot separation. Uh, I could plot a course for intercept, but we'd have to jump." Donnie remotely opened the plane's cargo door, letting wind blow into the plane.The turtles looked into the vast sky.

"Jump? Oh, boy. Guys, I don't know if this is such a good plan," Raph moaned, uncertain.

Reika, feeling the urge to gag, said, "I don't think I can handle this..."

"Oh, Come on, don't go getting soft on me now, Raph. This is gonna be fun," Mikey urged them, his tail wagging in delight.

"We have to go now. We only have a thirty second window," Donnie said. "You know the plan."

Leo had glanced away from the open cargo door. "Okay Donnie, walk us through this. Give me very estimates on the trajectories depending on wind speed and-"

"Uh... Dudes?" Mikey interrupted.


"They jumped."

And indeed, Donnie and Tomoka were both gone.

"They jumped!?" Raph shouted.

"Oh no."

Leo shook off his surprise. "All right, one for all."

But Raph hesitated. "Wait, wait, wait! You don't have a chute!"

"I don't need a chute. I got my board!" Mikey cheered. They jumped. That is, Leo, Shira, Mikey and Manako jumped. As his brothers and sisters power dove toward the plane, Raph held on to the edge of the open cargo door, feeling a little guilty and a bit queasy. Reika covered her eyes, not willing how she could leap off.

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