Chapter 15

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A week had passed since the recent events of an alien invasion. The criminals are now in prison as well as Dr. Stockman. Once the city is safe, the Shedder had disappeared for real this time and most rumors say that he must have disappeared somewhere in a strange dimension and froze to death. April reported the news about the events and the Hamato Sister's true selves of being hero mutants and lived in the sewers their whole lives.

The turtles all stood in line in front of the Statue of Liberty while Vincent presented them for welcoming them to New York for their heroic actions and honor. All of them are wearing keys around their necks, but the girls had their unique keys designed in an amazing way.

A few minutes later, April went back to Casey, now back to his job. "So, you got plans next weekend?" she asked Casey.

"Just my regular hockey game. Do you want to come watch me play?"

April let out a smile. "Watch? I'll take you one on one. And I'll kick your butt."

"I bet you will."

Shira smiled as she looked at her friends and the people. It has been a very long time since the people have seen Shira ever since her wheelchair was found in Sack's lab. She remembered the day that she met the Turtles as a human, and how she was mutated into a hybrid mutant not like any turtle they ever saw. Her first ever love changed her life forever. Not even a lot better than our old life at all. Shira and her sisters knew this world wasn't going to be the same. They became heroes who teamed up with a team of ninja turtles who wanted the world to be better. Those humans did accept them as a new member of the outside world. Not even sure that these strangers were born half mutant human or hybrid due to the power inside them or not even a single soul is born.

"I think you should give people more credit. They'll accept you now," Rebecca said, looking at Shira.

"You're probably right. But, uh... I think we'll stick with the arrangement we've had," Shira said softly.

"If you ever need us, April knows where to find us," Leo said.

"Really?" Rebecca said, "You could live a normal life, like the rest of us."

"Normal? What fun is that?"

The eight turtles stood together united and an unbreakable team, accepting each member's unique strength and love. They were ready to take on any challenge. Including anyone who lurks here. Shira had never been prouder than her family. She was like a guardian of her own clan. She was glad that she took the Mutant code. The rising sun broke over the buildings and flooded the clearing with light and warmth, and it seemed to Shirahara that no dawn had ever been brighter.

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