Chapter 1

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Jordyn's PoV

"Move it geek," was Jordyn's unofficial welcome to high school 2015. She was dreading Grade 10, and already the fan clubs were getting on her nerves. Three more steps till her locker. Three more steps till she could open it and hide. After a few more elbows in the ribs she got to the safety of her locker, gasping for breath after being winded by a new buff guy.

"Hey Jordyn! How were the hols?" I could tell by her voice that it was my best friend Mai. "Let's just say it was great to not get elbowed at least five times every morning." I replied grumbly. "Oh that's cool, I went to the pool, then the beach, then I went to a few parties..." I drowned out her voice after that. How is it that the most exciting thing I do in my holidays is sleep when the least exciting in Mai's is going to the Gold Coast? After not being able to stand Mai's rattling on, I told her I gotta go, and that I'd see her at lunch.

The first three lessons went SO slow. I couldn't believe it was only 2 hrs and 15 mins in total. First up was double Maths. What kind of torture do they plan at high schools these days? At out of all of my luck, the teacher didnt even want to do one of those lame name games where you say your name and your favourite hobby which takes forever because we have a class of 40 and every kid seems to take five minutes to find their hobby. Our teacher went straight into algebra.

After surviving maths and wishing with all of my brain that my mum would appear at the door for an unexpected dorctors visit, or anything better than Maths, I went on to Science, which wasn't much better than maths. We had to dissect a cow's eyeball. It was sooo gross that I'm not even going to describe it.

Recess came eventually, and we went out to the oval where there were hundreds of huddles of different category groups of people. Geeks, nerds, popular kids, kids that never grew out of star wars, fan clubs,.... I could go on but I don't even know what half the clubs are.

I was just about to sit down and enjoy a peaceful recess to myself when a cute guy came up. "Hi!" He said. I looked all around me for the girl he was talking too but everyone else was bent over and engrossed in their own conversation, but I still didn't believe a guy as cute as him would be talking to me. "Are you talking to me?" I asked, my voice squeaking. "Yeah. Do you mind if I sit here?" I told him to go ahead. The next five minutes was filled with awkward conversation, but not as awkward as I expected. He was so laid back and chill that I couldn't really be awkward.

Before I knew it I was talking to him naturally (well, as natural as it gets for an awkward person like me), and the bell was going. I swear it went 15 mins early. Just when he was about to walk off, I realised I didn't even know his name! "Wait, I forgot to ask what your name is?" I asked, sounding louder than I expected. "Jayden. What's yours?" I answered Jordyn shyly. "Well, I should be getting to class. Seya round!" "Ok, bye!"

I walked to class feeling dazed and yelling 'ow!' Because I kept pinching myself to make sure I wasn't in a dream. All the kids shot me weird looks but I didn't care, because I had finally been noticed, by a cute guy of all people!

Jayden's PoV

I walked to class casually, being happy having bewildered another unpopular hot girl by just by talking to her at recess. I came to my locker and gave Nick a fistbump while swinging open my locker. "Wait, let me guess.." Nick said sarcastically. "Haha, yep!" I answered looking at him. "Picked up another chick." "Man, you're on a roll!" Nick told me jealously. I agreed with him while walking to class, winking at a cute cheerleader on the way. I pushed the door open with my foot and strolled over to a desk where some nerd was sitting, and pushed him off like a fly on a windscreen, but not before reminding him that it was my reserved seat. My girlfriend Kim gave me a kiss on the lips after making sure the cheerleader I winked at was looking.

Jordyn's PoV

"Jordyn. Jordyn!" I looked up from the window where I was daydreaming and realised that everyone was staring at me, as well as the teacher. "Wait, what?" I asked, not knowing at all what was going on. "That is not the way to answer to a teacher young lady! Pardon would be appropriate? Meet me in the corridor, I'll be out there in a minute." The teacher scolded me. Turning red from embarrassment, I weaved through the other 39 desks to the corridor.

Here I continued my daydreaming, which was me and Jayden on a romantic holiday in Paris, kissing in a picture in front of the Eiffel Tower. "Ahh.." I murmured to myself, feeling that my life just made the most perfect twist ever!

When I came to, the teacher was glaring at me and waiting for me to give her my attention. "Jordyn, I think we need to have a proper talk at lunchtime, regarding you and paying attention in class, and in general! You may come back into class now." Wow, she sounded like letting me into class was a privilege! I'm sorta glad that she made me come back in though, because one more second out in that corridor I would've ran into every classroom until I found Jayden, then kissed him on the lips and embarrassed myself. That's how much my thoughts were running away with me! I eventually got some sense knocked into me by Mai, and I paid attention to the teacher's ramble. Or I just didn't run out of class to kiss Jayden.

It felt like it had been a 5 hour lesson even though it was only 1 hour and 30 mins, but lunch time eventually came! I went up to my locker telling myself over and over to be cool, to be chill like him. Mai caught up to me and walked with me to my locker. "I'm just gonna go to the toilet, I'll be right back in a sec!" She told me loudly, which drew other people's attention. I opened my locker to hide behind the door from people's stares, and grabbed my lunch and threw my books in.

Just before I closed it I sensed someone walking over, to my locker it seemed. "Wow, you were quick Mai! Anyway, I might be sitting with this cute as guy called Jayden at lunch, but I'll meet you at the end. Is that ok?" No response. "Mai?" I just realised that I must've been talking to someone random walking past. I was in the middle of saying 'sorry!' and blushing when I saw that it was actually Jayden! How embarrassing! "Hey cute girl." He said, winking at me.

Oh my gosh. I felt like sinking into the floor and never seeing him again! I wasnt even looking in a mirror but I could feel by the heat of my cheeks that I looked like a tomato. "Oh my gosh, that's so embarrassing!" I stuttered. "Nah, that's ok. But anyway, seeing as you were planning to and so was I, do you want to hang out? He said it so calmly and cool. "Um, yeah, that'd be nice." Oh my gosh, did I just say 'that'd be nice?' Ugh, I'm so not cool.

The lunch break was filled with awkard answers on my part and chill talking on Jayden's part. Before I knew it, lunch was over. "Oh, well I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked. "Yep, see ya then!" I said, beginnig to walk away. "Actually, I'll walk you to your locker." he told me. "Ok!" Even though it was about three steps from there to my locker, it was still cute that he walked me there. "Well, now I'll actually see you tomorrow. Bye!" "Bye!!" I fell against what I thought was my locker, but it was actually a random girl. "Oh, sorry!" I yelled, but she had already walked away, shooting me a dirty look over her shoulder on the way.

Jayden's PoV

After walking Jordyn to her locker, I walked to mine and ran into Kim on the way. "Hey Jayden!" She said. "Hi babe. Sup?" "Nothing much, but why were you walking with that geek?" She asked. Jealousy sounded in every word. "Well about that.. I think it's better if we're just friends. I mean you know me, I sorta just have lots of girls that are friends. No hard feelings. Right?" "What?! Jayden, you're kidding. You would never dump me for that loser. I'm soo much hotter than her. I'll see you after school. Oh, and remember the party at my house tonight, 9pm. I'll see you there! Bye!!" Kim walked off without waiting for my answer. I sighed and wondered when I'd ever be able to dump her. Or if I could ever dump her.

I kept walking to my locker and saw Nick standing there looking at me with a disbelieving look. "What?" I asked, wondering why he was looking at me like that. "Tell me you didn't just try to dump Kim. Dude, you can't find a hotter chick than her!" Nick scolded me like a mother. "Wait, who told you that?" I asked. Surely word in high schools doesn't spread that quick! "She huffed past and I asked her what's up." Phew, if word spread that quick that would just be crazy. "Why man?" He asked me, still on my case. "Well, I found a hotter chick. She's the unpopular geek, her name's Jordyn?" I asked, hoping he would know her so I didn't have to do the awkward introducing. "No, doesn't ring a bell." "Oh, well I'll show her to you." I said, dreading it already.

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