The Rise to Power

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It was an important day for Pudding; she finally was able to rise the corporate ladder to be the next appointed CEO of McDonalds. All at the young age of 24. Little knew much of her, she was secretive and resolute, she always had a larger plan in mind. Her family background? Unknown, no matter how hard her enemies try to smear her and find blackmail, it was as if she never existed from the age of 0-20. Even then she was only found in a news article, Sole Survivor Escapes Deadly Palm Oil Factory Explosion, from there she got transferred to a corporate job as a secretary in a lesser known branch of the company. Some would say it was luck, others may say convenient, but it was definitely a series of fortunate events that must have occurred to allow Pudding to take her boss's job after only a month of employment. Was it due to her great perseverance? Was she a master of communication? Was she engaging in illegal activity? None of it could be proven. All one needs to know is that Pudding was not an individual to be challenged, and everyone knew this on her first day as CEO of McDonalds.

"Good morning, Ma'am" Jennifer, the secretary, nervously greeted

"Please, how long have we known each other? You can call me Pudding." Pudding answered.

"I suppose, but still shouldn't we have some amount of formality? I mean the board of directors are in that other room and you have a meeting right after with a Mr—"

"Ugh, I'll deal with the board, but you must cancel the meeting with Mr. Whatshisface" demanded Pudding, "this company is going through some massive changes, and I need some time to plan it all"

"Yes" Answered Jennifer subserviently.

Pudding opened the double doors to the meeting room, all eyes turned to her as the dimly lit room was showered in her radiance, the average person would be awestruck by such an entrance, wether you hated Pudding or not.

"I have no clue why you hired Jennifer as your secretary" commented the chief officer of human resource "there were many good candidates, yet you picked her"

"Shut up, Jerry. There are more important matters... You, Miss Pudding, are late" scoffed the senior president.

"I'm not late, you all are simply just early. You can't start the meeting without me, so how could I ever be late for a meeting I commenced?" riddled Pudding.

"Don't act like you're all up there since the last CEO appointed you to take his place, people like us have been controlling this company long before you arrived" snapped the senior vice president.

"Yikes, all of you sound a bit irritable today... I know, I made all of you presents on the way up here, so why don't you open them?" insisted Pudding.

The chief financial officer got up, "this is not the time for games, last quarter we made a profit, $1,000,000,000 less than projected, and this year isn't looking any better."

"Oh, such a bummer, but really I insist, open your presents, I even have one for myself so it's not too weird" demanded Pudding. The board members ripped open the Christmas themed wrapping inappropriately chosen for July, but such formality was ignored with the contents of the presents. 

"Surprise!" Shouted Pudding as whole board stood in shock of what devices were before them.

"Are these bombs?" someone shouted.

"What are you insane?" Answered Pudding "Do you know how reckless that would be for me? No... obviously it's my little contraption that releases just enough chloroform to knock you unconscious."

Just then Pudding put on a gas mask she was hiding in her own present, as all in the room slowly collapsed from the aerosolized chloroform. After several minutes the room lay silent, except for the giggling of Pudding.

"Jennifer!" Pudding sang with a clap of her hands, "It's time again."

Jennifer walked in with a large sigh, "I don't know how long I can keep helping you? These bodies only get heavier with each promotion"

"Oh it's not that bad. Besides, I know you like doing this" teased Pudding

Jennifer blushed, a the comment that was too true: "Well, the chloroform should have made them forget most of what just happened, I'll drop off the bodies at separate bourgeois bars with a pink slip. It'll seem like they got fired."

"Nice," Pudding excitingly exclaimed "here, let me help you with some of these bodies" Pudding offered dragging one out the door. She was not only an inch past the door when she heard footsteps coming down the hallway.

Pudding signaled Jennifer to hide bodies in a hidden alcove behind the wall of the meeting room, as for the body she was dragging around, it'll take a bit of creativity to hid. Without much time, Pudding shut the doors to the meeting room to give Jennifer enough time, as for the body currently on her, she sprayed some alcohol sent on him, and held him on her back as if she were helping. As she was picking him up the person coming down the hall turned to witness what was going on.

"Umm... Ms. Pudding was it?" asked the mysterious man.

"Oh, yes, that's me" Pudding quickly said as she dropped the body to turn and face the man. Pudding was fazed by the situation and quickly around the room for something to subdue this unknown variable. Her eyes darted about the room scanning all possibilities for escape or weapons. This until she met eyes with the man that was before him.

"Jeff Besos?! What are you doing here?" Pudding questioned.

"I had an appointment to meet you, but I see you're a bit busy at the moment" answered Besos with a smile.

"Oh this, this was just a drinking party gone bad you know... nothing to worry about." Pudding replied convincingly.

"Oh, an all too familiar scene isn't it" Besos said with a wink. "Well if you ever want to form a partnership, give me a call," Besos offered handing over a business card. Besos simply turned around smiling and walked towards the elevator, as he entered the metal box, Besos affectionately yelled "And maybe next time don't schedule a meeting with someone at the same time when you decide to do something like this."

Jennifer kicks down the door: "Gurl u are down bad"

"What?! I have no clue what you mean" Pudding brushed off continuing to drag the body off

"Please, I've known you had a crush on that guy since you were in high-school. Admit it, you like that confrontation, didn't you?"

"Shut up, it's not like that"

"Well it sure seems that way"

Pudding refused to say another word, any more dialogue and it would only be self-incriminating. They worked in silence to drop off the bodies at their planed locations with a carefully writing letters of release to give them the most self-doubt to ensure no future problems. The only problem left was no longer in the control of Pudding, it was up to her heart to tell her what to do. 

The next day, no one bat an eye to ask why she fired her board of directors. None of the accountants wondered why a fifth of the company's budget was going to space research. Not even Pudding knew what her next move was. Pudding sat in her office, contemplating her future. She never once questioned her overarching goals before, she knew what she wanted and was determined to get it. She has only ever seen one path, the appearance of a second one terrified her (Les Mis allusion pg 530). Pudding shook her head, she mustn't doddle on such frivolous actives such as love, she was a CEO of McDonalds, of course she must continue her over arching goal, to be the CEO of Mars.

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