The Power Play

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A note was slipped under the door of CEO Pudding, the contents of the letter peaked her interest; it was from Besos.

To CEO Pudding of the McDonalds Corporation.

It has come to my attention you have been investing in the space industry, as have I. I do believe that it will be in our best interests to have a merger of our companies, please call me to arrange this proposal.



Pudding was pleased to see such an offer, especially since it gave her an option to combine the two paths, and get all she has ever wanted. Pudding ran to the Amazon offices to meet with Besos, she could no longer wait, Jenifer was right. 

"I take that you found my letter?" Besos pondered while opening his doors to let Pudding in his office. 

"Yes, I will take the merger, on one condition" offered Pudding.

"Whatever the offer is it will be worth a share your company," replied Besos

"Mars, give it to me"

"Mars? Like the candy bar company?"

"No the planet, I want the planet Mars."

"How about a compromise? We have a business marriage, we own our companies together, and we can be CEOs of Mars together."


The two shook hands on the deal and they were scheduled to get married next week, in the mean time they maintain their PR. All Pudding could do in the next week was wish for time to fly faster, she had large plans coming up and this is just the beginning of a brand new life. Imagine all the money she will be saving on shampoo with Besos.

On the big day, Besos was waiting at the altar for Pudding, the audience: Jennifer... and that was all, it was a business deal so friends and family didn't care, and the wedding gave the excuse to keep the press out. Leaving only the employees to be invited, most of whom do not care. Pudding walked up the altar and saw the bald head of Besos glisten in the light as she stepped ever and ever closer. She had a warm feeling inside her, one she has never felt before, her cold dark heart now ignited and bursting with anticipation. Each step she felt the Earth beneath her and thought of beauty of human nature, and love such a simple act of instinct can feel so good in the moment. The marriage continued with the signing of legal documents and disappointing karaoke, but it was still the best day of Pudding's life as it was the union of two beings, as she stepped closer to the cosmos. 

Pudding was more elated about the marriage than Besos, not for the merger nor the sharing of Mars, but now she has the power to ruin him. She held the power in the relationship now, at any point she can take half of his possessions with a simple divorce lawyer. But she wanted not just half, she wanted all of it—all of Mars that is. How does one acquire Mars? By being sneaky, that's how.

"So I was just thinking..." Pudding proposed "what if, I don't know... we adopt Mars"

"The planet?" Asked Besos "Umm why?"

"Oh you know, PR. Just imagine the articles: Besos and Pudding May be the Best CEO Family" exclaimed Pudding.

"Ok, then go ahead and adopt that planet then" Besos responded naively. 

Pudding smirked, only the devilish smirk of someone who just deceived another, like a child who thought they got away with telling a lie. Just like the child though, the adult in the room knows the truth already, and has already planned steps ahead of Pudding.

The divorce happens and it was settled quietly behind shut doors. What happened there? Whatever it was, it left Pudding forlorn and without motivation to live, she was given a oneway ticket to Mars, to be CEO. She lost everything else, her lawyers paid off by Besos to side more with him, Pudding was unable to have any leverage; except the fact that she could get full custody over their planet and receive child support when it can be proven she needs it to support their child.

This is how Pudding is left in a rocket ride to Mars without any human companions, only a team of 20 Amazon Alexas. She could only cry about how she lost it all, and dream of what might have been.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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