Police Report Continued

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May 13, 20__ 12:23 pm Audio Typed Interview

OW: This is Officer Williams. The date is May 13, 20__. The time is 10:56 am. Please state your names.

Daniel: Daniel

Elizabeth: Elizabeth, but I go by Betty.

OW: What can you say about the incident of your friend on the night of May 6, 20__?

Elizabeth: That I'm shocked. We only talked to them a few days prior.

Daniel: It sucks because we were supposed to graduate soon then go on a trip after... It won't be the same without them.

OW: Do you know of anyone who would wish harm on your friend?

Daniel: Not that I can think of.

Elizabeth: They were well-liked. I couldn't imagine anyone doing this on purpose.

OW: I see. Is there anything else you could tell me about your friend?

Daniel: I know they were going through a rough time.

OW: How so?

Daniel: They've been in and out of the hospital. A family member just passed recently too.

Elizabeth: They were just unwell.

OW: Have any of you tried to reach out to them? See if they were okay?

Daniel: Yeah, we went by the night we were all supposed to meet up but they didn't answer.

OW: When was that?

Daniel: May 3rd I think. Around 10.

Elizabeth: We thought they might be running late so we started without them and didn't realize how late it had gotten.

OW: And when they didn't answer you didn't think something was wrong?

Daniel: I mean no. They like to go MIA on occasion. We thought it was one of those times.

Elizabeth: You thought.

Daniel: But you didn't argue.

OW: I know there was one other person that you all were close to, how could I get in contact with them?

Elizabeth: I wouldn't waste your time. Nat... I mean Natalie, is really broken up about this. They've been best friends for years.

OW: Alright. Well, I appreciate your help. Is there anything I can do to help?

Elizabeth: Get the bastard that did this.

Daniel: Or at least keep up updated.

OW: I will. I can promise you both that.

May 13, 20__ 7:38 pm

Forensics reported back with the prints from the steak knife. They match the ones on the victim. My gut is saying there is something else here that we are missing, but after dusting the prints and talking to those around them we can only conclude one thing unless something else comes out to reopen the case. I just don't see how someone could do something like this all on their own. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels like that, but there's nothing anyone can do now.

Cause of Death: Suicide.

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