Quicksand Portal To The Underworld.

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chapter 1

'LUCILLE BRUNO!" my brother Luke screamed at me from downstairs. "HURRY IT UP!"

"COMING!" i screamed back. squeezing into some aqua skiinys, i threw on some sandals and bounded down the stairs.

"Finally." Luke grumbled. Ignoring him, i turned to see my other brother, Jace, sliding down the banister. When he hit the ground, he twirled around and started playing the air guitar. I slapped my hand onto my face. "Help me." i muttered into my hand. "lets go guys." the limo was outside. i had heard it honk earlier. Our limo driver, John, always calls first to make sure no one is at the house before he drives over.

     We were heading to the studio. Jace, who was the guitarist/songwriter, had just finished writing our supposed 'New Hot Single'. It was called heartbreak, and i was secretly super excited. In my opinion, it was our best one yet.

   Hopping into our limo, i slid over to the window. Tuning out my brothers jabbering, i started thinking about getting those blonde highlights in my black hair. Our whole family had black hair, but me and my brothers had inherited our mother's green eyes. Whille Luke's hair almost covered his eyes, Jace had his in a short spiked up style.

    "we're here." John announced, opening the door for us. I jumped out of the car and ran towards our recording studio. flinging open the door i said a quick 'hello' to Matt, our manager and grabbed my drumsticks. Bored, i started twirling them in my hand unconciously.

    My brothers slowly made there way over to where i was chilling. Jace grabbed his guitar while Luke grabbed his mike. Glancing at them, i tapped my drumstick together. "ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR!" I smiled at my brothers, right before we launched into our new single, 'Heartbreak'.


After we were done, i glanced over to where Matt was sitting. he had a huge grin on his face. "That was great guys!' he said happily. "Have you been practicing for the reveal concert?"

"Yes!' we all said in usion.

    For the reveal concert, we were all going to pop out of the stage. it was going to be dark, and then they were going to shine the lights on us. Hopefully, everyone would be excited.

"Go home and get to bed." he said shooing us out the door.


When we got home, i immeditaly went up to my bedroom. plopping onto my bed, i started thinking about senior prom. There was this one guy i had been crushing on for awhile. He was kind of a dork, and wasn't super attractive, but i had an idea.

If he'd let me use it.

With that thought, i curled up on my bed and fell into a long, dreamless sleep.


no copyright intenended.. [i've always wanted to say that!]

make me a cover? please :P

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2011 ⏰

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