Chapter 1

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 "Good morning Wren!" Lisa says cheerfully to me as she runs into the elevator.

"Morning," I say with a smile as well. "How was the date?"

"Oh he was boring, cut that shit off."


Lisa is a very pretty girl with natural brown curls that highlight her delicate features. She always has a date of some kind, a boyfriend ready to pick her up after work, or a new drama that she just has to tell. It gets annoying, especially when she says every other week, "Guys, I'm in love."

I can never understand her, I personally like to just see what happens. Sure I would love to have someone to love me but it's not like I'm actively seeking it only to be disappointed.

The elevator dings and I step out and head straight to the coffee machine, fingers itching to get the caffeine to my brain. Of course, Lisa tags along.

"This guy was nice, kinda cute, but he had this annoying habit of scraping his fork on his teeth whenever he took a bite."

I cringe at the thought.

"And, he was checking other women out like, aren't we on a date?" She throws her right hand up, the left full of papers. "You're not supposed to do that!"

I nod along, starting to automatically tune her out as I grab the mug and pour myself a cup of heaven.

Thank you dear lord.

Lisa is still following me talking on and on. But I listen and be nice and smile. That's what I always do. It's the only thing I can do.

Luckily her desk is on the other side of the room so she goes to bother poor Jill and I sit in blissful silence and nurse my cup of coffee while logging into my computer.

I nearly scream when Lucas, my desk partner, starts talking, "Lisa already drain you?"

I smile and laugh despite my annoyance, "Yep, every morning. I wonder how she hasn't talked the boss into firing her."

"Yeah, I wonder the same."

I go back to my work, ready to ignore everyone else and try to get something done. I end up writing a bunch of letters and sending them on a delayed time so they arrive tomorrow morning rather than right now. 

Then I actually do some work, typing at twice the usual speed to get everything in so I don't have to do overtime or anything. I had some important plans for tonight.

I finally finish two minutes before 5 and stretch myself out, slightly groaning in the process. I crack my neck, my knuckles, my back, and wrists.

Lucas shakes his head. "I can never understand how you do that, it startles me every day. It sounds like a machine gun going off or something."

I laugh again. "Yeah genetics I guess, my father was really good at it too, but he had a joint disease."

"Yikes, hope you don't get it."

"I should be fine, doctor said I was all good a couple years back, but you never know right?"

"Yeah, I guess. Well I'm going to clock out, see you tomorrow."

My smile doesn't nearly succeed, so forced I'm sure he'll notice but he doesn't and walks out. I sigh in relief. It probably didn't look bad as I do it everyday, muscle memory probably took over yet again. I place my head in my hands and breath for a few moments, letting the anxiety and panic swirl before I push it down and smile again.

"Ok," I say to myself. "Big plans, there's a lot you have to do so just do it."

I head home, take the bus, and get off at my apartment. I'm not poor, far from it actually, but I certainly am not rich, somewhere in between. My life is comfortable, of course there is the occasional dealing with my family members where they come over and tell me how I could have done better, but I deal with it every time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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