Livin' for you (Chapter 1)

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Danny looked at the apartment, Where he and his best friend will move in together. 'I like him, this is my chance to get closer to him.'

He saw Drew in the window, waving at him, Danny waved back as his heart was beating slightly faster. He opened the door.

"Hey, stop standing already and get in!" He said as he carried their luggage. He gulped, trying to slow down his heartbeat.

Drew hugged him.

"Thanks Dan, I have felt really lonely after Amanda left me for my friend" Drew said, trying to smile.

"She never deserved your love, you deserve way better than a person like her!"

Drew blanked out for a minute.

"Yeah, you're right. Let's get settled in then with a fresh start."

They carried the luggage to their room.

"It's a one bedroom place so you'll have to share a room with me."

Drew smiled at him.

"It will be like the old times!"


There was a knock at the door, Drew followed him to the door.

"Hi, I'm your neighbor." She said as she put her hair behind her ear, revealing her ocean eyes. She had baby blue shorts with an emerald green top, black short hair and light make-up.

"My name's Jackie." She said with a wide smile.

Danny shook her hand.

"If you need anything, come over!" She said.

"Come in," Danny said.

"Sorry but I'm really busy, anyways it was nice meeting you" she replied, waving off goodbye.

"She seems nice." He said.

"And pretty cute." Said Drew, as he started to blush a little.

Danny felt a sting of pain in his heart, he always wondered how just one innocent boy can make him change his whole perspective. He wasn't sure how to come out as gay to others and he didn't know how to tell Drew that he's gay and that he's in love with him.

Drew gave him a sweet smile and he started to feel warm again.

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