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It is a new day and pretty Nyima's face was all smiley. The day was going happily like every other day. The kids woke up,prayed...helped Mba Jamba in the kitchen,ate and went to do their own things. Jarra played with other kids whiles Nyima went to feed Jungkung and play with him.

Unknown to Nyima,some visitors came to visit Mba Jamba. Jarra escorted them to the room and excused the elders as they engaged themselves in their discussion.

Mba Jamba's visitor is a well known man in the village,Ba Yankuba. He is the well known islamic teacher of the village and has earned a lot of respect from the people. Mba Jamba was so glad to have them in her house and served them the best of food available at the moment. Being a straight forward person,the old man wasted no time in telling Mba Jamba what brought him there.

"I have come to ask for your granddaughter's hand in marriage" he blurted. That was the best news that Mba Jamba has heard in ages.

"Which one of my granddaughters,Oustass?" She asked with her smile never leaving her face. Well,she expected him to say Jarra...not because she despised Nyima or anything but because Jarra was the well-behaved child and the whole village knows of Nyima's reeking attitude.

"Nyima Saidy" he answered.

"Really? Nyima?"

"Yes. I know that will baffle you because you believe she is uncontrollable. I have given you my word that I will be able to inculcate good manners in her and even teach her the deen"

"But Ba Yankuba,Nyima is still a child. She is barely ten years old...how about waiting for some more years before marrying her,we will keep her for you"

"That's not a problem. I already have two wives,that,you already know. But if you will allow me,I want to take her home,teach her the deen and other important things,I will marry her as soon as she is of age inn shaa Allah"

"Well,I will gladly do that,she really needs that. I will talk to her and bring her there next week inn shaa Allah"

"Abaraka(Thank you),we will take our leave now" The honorable man announced his departure and left with his people. Now he is not just the Oustass of the village but also the soon to be in law of Mba Jamba.

Mba Jamba escorted them to the gate and returned back. She went straight to the stable and summoned Nyima,Jarra was with her in the stable so she was made to look after Jungkung in Nyima's absence.

"Nyiman Satou" Mba Jamba called.

"Na'am Nna"

"Yaa jeleh minu bota jang syng (have you seen the people who just left from here)?" She asked.

"Haaniy(No)" She curtly replied.

"It is Ba Yankuba and his people" upon hearing Ba Yankuba's name,Nyima rolled her eyes. She believed that old man was a wolf in a sheep's clothing. She does not even believe he teaches the deen correctly. "Akaa lafta musol la (he said he wants a wife)" Mba Jamba added. Nyima just listened and had no idea of what next would be said. "Akaa lafta iteh lla(he said he wants you)" she concluded. Nyima was baffled.

"Nteh? Wo mang lafin tela deh Nna! Hanaa yen jeh ila suwo kono akang bayleh (Me? He does not want me Nna! He even chases me out of their compound whenever he sees me there)" she answered as the child that she is.

"Haadey (yes), but he won't do that to you again,you'll now be his bestfriend" Mba Jamba said that to the unconvinced Nyima who subconsciously nodded and walked out. She went back to the stable and explained everything to Jarra who felt so happy for her.

"Jarra...since you are so happy,ahaang,why don't you get married instead" Jarra looked at her with a baffled face.

"Hehey Nyima,they came for you,why do you want me to go?"

"Because you are happy about it and I am not,you like people and you will easily cohabit with them unlike me"

"Well,you are right" kiddish Jarra smiled and nodded in agreement. "I like and respect Ba Yankuba a lot,I am friends with all the kids in their compound"

"You see my point,let's go to Nna and tell her that you'll go instead of me" They walked together to the kitchen to talk to Mba Jamba.

"Nna" Nyima called. "We have something to tell you"
Mba Jamba turned all her attention to them. "Jarra wants to marry Ba Yankuba instead"

"Where did that come from? How did Jarra even know and why?" Mba Jamba rained questions on them.

"I told her and I don't want to marry that man but Jarra wants to"

"Jarra,is that true?"

"Ehh uhh Nnaa,haadey(yes)" she hesitantly replied.

"I'll talk to Ba Yankuba and see. You two should go to their compound and tell him I want to meet him" Nyima happily raced out followed by a meek Jarra who had no idea what she was going into but is still saying yes to it.

They ran all the way to Almami kunda. Nyima asked Jarra to go in and convey the message since she was not in good terms with those people. As Jarra was about to take a step ahead,Nyima stopped her. Her eyes landed on her jin once again.

"Why did you stop me?" Jarra asked.

"Look to your right,that's my jin" Jarra looked and she also gawked when she saw him.

"You were right all along!" She exclaimed and Nyima nodded with a smile. Someone finally believes her.

"Iteh(you)" The Jinn whose name she learnt was Zubair,called.


"Inaa ta mol yaa leh(you've come to our place)"

"Is this your place?" Nyima asked and he nodded. "We are here to meet Ba Yankuba"

"Ohh,that's the eldest brother of our family"



"You share the same mother and father?"

"No,just a father" he replied. "I have to go,bye! Ba is in his room" he ran away. Nyima's gaze trailed behind him and she said...

"It's Ok Jarra! I will gladly marry Ba Yankuba"

"Are you sure? I don't even believe this boy lives here...I don't normally see him around"

"I trust him. He is my bestfriend! We will start living in the same compound"

"Ok" Jarra smiled a relieving smile.

Things are falling back into place...

She needed to thank this jinn for making Nyima stick to her decision..

She won't get married anymore!

Nyima will!



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